You made it through the semester. You've already done a grueling amount of work, but now it is time for one last slam down. Finals. We all have to take them, and we have all taken them before. Yet, it never gets any easier. But, you are not alone. Let's get through this together. Here are some GIFs that I think you just might be able to relate to.
Realizing finals are a week away.
But you can’t study yet because you have a million other assignments to do first.
You’re finally able to study, but you’re too tired so you take a nap first.
Okay, time to get down to business. You study like crazy for about a half hour.
That was rough. Time to feel bad for yourself for two hours.
Time for endless amounts of coffee.
Wait…the exam is tomorrow? Time for an all-nighter.
You walk in feeling tired and upset, but blame everyone but yourself.
There’s the professor sitting behind his desk.
There’s that one girl who feels amply prepared.
The professor hands out the exam and you have no idea what anything means.
You do your best and walk out. You may have bombed it, but at least it’s over.
Time to celebrate.
Good luck, everyone. We're almost there.