This life is tiresome. No way around it; it's easy to become jaded by the ways of this world.
Every time that I start to feel like I might be getting the hang of things, a new catastrophe seems to come my way. It shakes up my view of the world and the view of the control I think I have.
Day after day, night after night, I have begun to feel as if I can't go on. Worse than that, there are days when I don't see the point in continuing. How am I supposed to keep fighting for goodness and fairness if the world is just going to keep beating me down?
Well, unfortunately, I haven't created a magical solution for this yet. I wish I could tell you that there was a ten-step magical cure, but life's going to keep throwing stuff at you. I think the point of all of the difficulty and the pain may be that we have to try despite it.
Despite all of the awful things that may happen to you, you have to get up in the morning anyway and fight like hell to be the person you want to be. How else is the world going to get any better?
My own personal struggle stems from my inability to understand the unnecessary evils of the world. I don't understand why people voluntarily attempt to worsen the lives of the people around them. I don't understand the excessive greed, violence, and anger that is inflicted upon the Earth.
I don't have to understand, though. I just have to try to be good.
If you're like me, you may have worked over 40 hours this week, only slept about 10 hours in seven days, and you may no longer be able to deal with all the other bad stuff happening either in your personal life or in the world in general.
If that does apply to you, I invite you to take a moment and remember the people and the ideals that you are working towards. There's a reason that you work so hard, and there's a reason that you feel so downtrodden about the negative things happening.
It's because you care, and that is an amazingly wonderful thing that most people do not do.
Please, please don't let your exhaustion, either physically or mentally, from your job or from people or from the world, make you stop caring. Caring is what makes a difference. It's what makes everything worthwhile.
So don't let anyone or anything keep you from it. Love as hard as you can, work as hard as you can, and never give up. Remind yourself daily that you are making a difference in the world, and that it would be worse off without you.
You have to keep on walking. I do too. It's not easy sometimes, but it's worth it.