Your fears my dear are holding you back
And if you let go I can take care of that
Do you trust me?
I’m the one who created you
I'm the one who knows how many hairs are on your head
I'm the one who knows you better than you know yourself
Because your fears my dear do not make you who you are
They keep you glued to the sticky situation you keep yourself bound to
Afraid to take a step and follow my path
Can lead you to the wrong exit
Your fears my dear
Lead you off the straight
They curve you to the narrow
But if you trust in me and believe in me your fears my dear will become dead
No longer your enemy
Or the thing that ties you down and keeps you trapped
That locks you up and throws away the key
That breaks you down and says surrender to me
Your fears my dear cannot own you
If you have faith as little as a mustard seed nothing is impossible
Can’t you see with me you can be set free
Because my dear those fears do not have power over you
They cannot control who you are
Your fears make you scared
And your fears do not want you to make a peep
So my dear please just follow me
Don’t let them hold you back
Fly free my dear those fears no longer can hold you back