I hope you know what beauty really is. I hope you don't think what you are and your appearance is measured by the likes you get on Instagram.
I hope you don't spend your entire life searching for the perfect picture of yourself. I hope you don't spend every waking our covering yourself in make-up just so you might feel pretty for a heart beat when someone compliments your eye liner.
I hope the lines you contour and the profile pictures and the lips you shade is not a measure of who you are.
I think a lot of times we forget our self worth is not measured by our outward appearance but what we give to the world. That the more good you put into the world is a hell of a lot better than the pressure you put on yourself to have the perfect image when you look on the camera.
I think you forget that your kindness is what you will be remembered for. Your heart and your passion. You need to be reminded that you are smart, and brave and loyal. You are more than beautiful you are legendary.