We all know that getting through your workday seems impossible sometimes. You look at the clock and you check back an hour later just to see that it has only been two minutes. You take your thirty-minute lunch break, eat three bites of your sandwich, and the next thing you know, your break is over. So, you slowly slump back inside and pick up on the project you had a little vacation from. We all know what our work day is like, but here it is through Will Ferrell.
7:00 am.
Your alarm starts going off and ruining your perfect dream where you have no responsibilities but eating chicken nuggets and petting dogs. That faint beep-beep-beep is enough to send your endorphins plummeting, your heart rate skyrocketing, and your mood changes drastically. You know it's that time of day.
9:00 am.
You have already prepped yourself for the forthcoming day that you know is going to be difficult. You know your schedule, you know the expectations, you know the drama, and you are aware of the people you will have to encounter. So, you just sit in your car, staring at the door like-
11:00 am.
When your boss comes by to tell you that you can go on your lunch break and there are no other words to describe your gratitude other than the magical three words.
1:00 pm.
When you got up from your desk to treat yourself to an afternoon snack and when you return to said desk, there is an extra list that the project fairy has dropped conveniently on your desk. After analyzing the list, you realize that the only logical explanation that you received this list was because you are the chosen one.
3:00 pm.
When you have checked the clock 6 times now, but only 2 minutes have gone by and you feel yourself slowly start to go insane.
4:59 pm.
When you are about to close up shop and you see a customer enter the building. So, due to company policy and not your own ethical standards, you have to treat the person with the utmost respect, but in your head, this is the phrase you want to greet them with.
6:00 pm.
You did it. You made it home without committing a crime, having a breakdown, or quitting. Your job is still there and in about 12 hours, you get to do it all over again.
While your workday may vary from day to day, there is always one day or one specific time of day where your day can relate to Will Ferrell.