You know what it's like to be in your twenties. You're living it right now and it's a crazy, beautiful, interesting, exciting and down-right painful experience. But maybe these GIFS will make you feel a little bit better!
When you see a bunch of people you went to high school with get married.
Uh . . . when did all of this happen?
. . . Or having children.
I thought that being in your twenties was the time to have fun, be young and figure your life out and take risks and make new memories. No?
And you're over here watching Netflix and feeling oddly content with that.
But at the same time, everyone seemingly getting married makes you feel like this:
I'm going to adopt a gazillion cute little kitties and that will be that.
When your relatives ask if you're seeing someone.
You've asked this on Christmas and on Easter. No. The answer is still no.
"How many years of college do you have left?"
Just thinking about how many years I have left makes me want to stab a fork in my eye. So thanks, for reminding me. And the fact that you keep asking me, makes me feel like I should be embarrassed or ashamed for having so many years left.
Being broke 24/7
You get that paycheck, you pay bills, and then SHAZAM. Just like magic, it has disappeared.
And still obligated to go out with your friends.
*Goes out and tries to have fun even though is completely and utterly broke*
But sometimes you want to avoid human interaction.
So. Much. Energy.
When you end up at the grocery store, you buy snacks and junk instead of "real food"
Then you feel really guilty afterwards . . . and not to mention sick to your stomach after devouring an entire package of Oreo's dipped in Nutella.
All of these adult expectations are being thrown at you.
Make it stop . . . please.
You're scared you're going to end up homeless and in debt after college.
You knew college and adulthood was expensive. But all of a sudden, the realization really hits you. And then you've called up your mom sobbing on the phone, telling her that you're going to end up homeless from being into too much debt from school.
Teenagers start to annoy the crap out of you.
Like a switch of a button, you feel older, crabbier, and basically an old person in a twenty-something's body. Even though you were a teenager not that long ago, you find yourself easily irritated by sixteen year old's who think they're all that.
Sometimes you're just indecisive about your new adult life.
Do I want to do this? Do I want to do that? UGH, I don't know! I'll just stare at this wall . . .
When you check your bank account:
Yeah . . . enough said on this one.
You start to gain weight.
For most of you, (for me anyway) you don't acquire the teenage body anywhere, where you had a super fast metabolism. Everything starts to feel "bigger", and it's normal to feel self conscious of your body.
Basically . . . this is you:
Good luck, young twenty-somethings, and may you succeed in life!