Have you ever felt like you were too kind of a person, but only to the people that genuinely no longer deserve it? Well, it’s not that they don’t deserve it, per say, but it’s more like they have taken advantage of you.
I have always had a heart of gold and given out my kindness to everyone that has crossed my path. However, there are moments when I feel they don’t deserve it. Some people treat you like a doormat if you let them, and that’s when you have to stand your ground so you aren’t taken continually advantage of.
It’s not like you are being a cold hearted and ruthless individual, in fact, you are actually being kinder, but to yourself when you cut these people off. The old saying, “If I cut you off, chances are you handed me the scissors,” is essentially where I am coming from when I write this.
People and not all, but enough, tend to flock towards those that are like them. Others will see a kind-hearted person and feed off of what they think is vulnerability. There becomes a point when you need to stand your ground and not allow yourself to be taken advantage of.
This doesn’t mean you can’t be kind to them, because you still can be, if you so choose. But, there is a difference by being kind and being too kind. I have personally found that by changing who you are for others, you lose yourself, and that’s just, well, unacceptable.
However, not changing for someone else and staying to true to yourself does not mean you are weak. It means you care more about yourself than what others think of you. At the end of the day, it only matters what you think.
If someone tries to take advantage of you, it doesn’t make you a poisonous person, it makes them poisonous. I have learned this lesson by being too kind to the wrong people that just flat out took full advantage of it in every way fathomable.
While it was painful to experience, in time I began to see it as a blessing, because now, I am able to see who is genuine and who is there to attempt using me as a doormat. I believe that when it comes to the wrong people, you should remain true to yourself, but keep yourself in check too.
Don’t socialize or surround yourself with people that may take advantage of you in any way. I know it may seem easier said than done, but I guarantee you that by being more cautious and aware of your surroundings, you will limit the amount of footsteps at your front door too.
Do you really want to be riddled with footprints, or do you want to have a nice, clean welcome mat ready for those that do deserve you and your kindness? Don’t think for one minute you don’t deserve the best in the right people, because you do.
What you don’t deserve is being treated like you’re worthless and invaluable. Always remember that you are nobody’s doormat. You can have a welcome mat for those that deserve you, but don’t allow yourself to be stepped on and used or taken advantage of. Those people, well, they just don’t deserve you.