Spoiler Alert: This is in no way a step by step process on how to be more dignified — this is about finding yourself. It's about how to get back the life you deserve.
So, you did it. You let it all out. You caved into the pressure of expressing how you really feel to someone who you previously believed wasn't worth the time. You promised yourself you wouldn't do it, but you did it anyway. Now you're left feeling unbelievably weak, and maybe even a little stupid.
I'm here to tell you how to overcome that feeling. I've been in the exact same place, and I'm glad to announce that it doesn't last forever. Your dignity will find a way to shine through what you believe is an everlasting darkness.
If you're in the same place as I was, you're probably feeling pretty pathetic and completely out of your element. For one, this isn't who you are. You have never been a whiny person, you've never spent so much time feeling sorry for yourself, and for God's sake, you've never cried to "California King Bed" instead of just belting out to it like you used to. You aren't weak. I know I was definitely tired of feeling like a wuss. I was tired of being this pathetic little girl waiting around for this person to text me back, to tell me what I wanted to hear. I got tired of waiting. I was sick of letting another human define who I was. I decided one day that I needed to make a choice. The same choice you need to make right now. Whatever has happened that left you feeling this way, are you going to let it define you? Does this thing get to decide what kind of person you are? I decided no, just like I encourage you to do as well.
All of the time I heard, "You are so strong." Initial attempt at a compliment, to boost my confidence. However, it always seemed to make me feel worse. "If you only knew," I always thought. I was the complete opposite of strong. Going to bed crying almost every night and wishing things could be different is not how I'd define "strong." I mean I would definitely try my freaking hardest to be tough, though, just like I'm sure you're doing now. I'd attempt to not let my real feelings show, and I'd try so damn hard not to think about things that upset me so much. But I would get weak, I'd text my ex, I'd confess things I promised myself I wouldn't, and each time I was left feeling worse and worse — each time my dignity diminishing.
The bad part about it was that each time I was left feeling the way I did, resentment in the person that was causing it all was building. I'd get so upset with them for not reacting the way I wanted them to. Once I finally realized that I can't control how other people feel about me, I felt so much happier and relieved. You shouldn't have to force a person into feeling any certain way and you absolutely should never have to settle for someone who half wants you. You have to know what you deserve and stop settling for less.
After you have a nice self-realization moment, you need to put your faith into a higher power. Pray about it because you deserve the sensation of peace. Putting your faith in God will bring you an unbelievable amount of comfort, trust me. He never leaves you feeling lonely and with Him, you'll know that you're never going down the wrong path. "Let go and let God" is something you should repeat to yourself 100 times a day. Maybe you're not a religious person, maybe you've never stepped foot into a church, but which sounds better to you: Continuing to cry every night before sleep? Or praying every night before sleep? Think about it.
However you decide to find peace, just do it. Do it right now. Stop letting someone or something define who you are as a person. You're the only one in complete control of your life, and it's time you start putting it into action. The longer you hold onto anger, sadness and resentment, the more you become the person you don't want to be. You deserve to know that it gets better and happiness is coming, you just have to let it. Frankly, peace and happiness are going to come to you no matter what, even if you don't try — life just works like that. However, the sooner you try to find it by letting all this go, the sooner it will come.
I know that you want to think about it all the time because it's impossible not to. I know that you feel numb and like there's no end in the pain and unexplained feelings. I know that it's hard to believe any of this. Honestly, if someone would have tried telling me any of this a while ago, I would have totally blown them off and thought they were full of crap. For the record, I'm not full of crap. I'm full of truth... because I've been there. I can promise you that it will end soon. What I'm going to leave you with is this: You don't get your dignity back by sitting and waiting around for someone else to feel something. You get it back by picking your life up and knowing that you deserve so much better than the misery you're in now. Just go for it.