Your Day in SoHo | The Odyssey Online
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Your Day in SoHo

How you should spend your time exploring SoHo

Your Day in SoHo
USA Today

One of the many reasons I wanted to come to Columbia was to gain exposure to the various neighborhoods of Manhattan. I have loved my time in SoHo the best; an extremely close second experience overall would be Midtown. I’ve explored stores, restaurants, art galleries, and various other establishments. SoHo, short for South of Houston St., is a bustling neighborhood, perfect for a day of exploration, shopping, and relaxation. SoHo business owner, Eleanor Langston, once remarked about SoHo, “SoHo is a hub for art and commerce, filled with creative, cosmopolitan people, and Crosby Street personifies that” and I couldn’t agree more with the Paintbox Nails owner. Here’s a compiled list for your traveling and exploration measure:


Ed’s Lobster Bar

222 Lafayette Street - Best for lunch

This is an upscale restaurant with the best lobster roll in all of Manhattan. Try the Lobster and corn chowder as well. A great lunch spot! Battles with Luke’s Lobster.


137 Sullivan Street - Best décor, daily-changing menu

Top Chef headed restaurant by Camille Becerra is to die for! If you haven’t figured out by now, I absolutely love seafood. When you walk into this delightful and delectable restaurant, you are enchanted by their lovely décor.

Hundred Acres

38 Macdougal Street - Best brunch

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Excellent service here! The mixed berry buttermilk pancakes are delightful and the menu even offered Boylan products and Fiji tea with pineapple. All around great brunch experience.


Peter Lik

419 West Broadway - Best photography

Image Credit: FilmMagic, Inc and Daily Mail

Absolutely stunning photography. The Australian's galleries in Aspen, Beverly Hills, and La Jolla were beautiful exposés as well. His lighting makes the beauty. As per the Peter Lik website, you’ll have a “true NY experience awaiting you.”

AFA Gallery

54 Greene Street - Best sculptures and nicest staff

With additional galleries in Vegas and France, AFA is a gem. Currently, there’s a Tim Cantor exhibit that I can’t wait to go see when I get back to NYC. It looks stunning!

New Museum of Contemporary Art

235 Bowery - Most unique architectural setting

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If you like contemporary art in sleek settings, go to the New Museum! Founded in ’77, it is extremely inclined and devoted to presenting art from all around the globe.


Paintbox Nails

17 Crosby Street - Best manicure

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Eleanor Langston, founder of Paintbox Nails, created the high-end nail salon to promote the feelings she recieved after a fantastic manicure. She remarked in a NY Daily News piece “I've always been aware of the incredible power of a great manicure: When my nails have a flattering color or design on them, I feel more confident, put-together, and professional.” You can book online and they also accept walk-ins, but I’d highly recommend getting an appointment. You get a lookbook with top designs curated by Langston as well as her staff. Langston was a beauty editor and worked for Self and Cosmopolitan. She decided to open up the salon after realizing that she already recommends colors to her readers. You even receive a high quality photo of your nails from the PhotoBox after you’re done! The designs are extremely fashion-forward.

American Two Shot

135 Grand Street - Best coffee with boutique browsing

Trending boutique with a great coffee counter. A great place to hangout and people-watch in SoHo while brousing fun items like black dresses with neon across the back and vintage-themed nuances throughout.


181 Orchard Street - Most charming

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Trending boutique with pieces worn by moguls like Jessica Alba, Vanessa Hudgens, Gigi Hadid, and Liam Hemsworth. Super spacious feel due to the lighting choices. Specializing in knitwear and home décor, this trendy boutique had great fundamentals for both men and women.

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