This past weekend, I may or may not have scaled over a couple of fences and ended up in the VIP section of Chicago’s rowdiest, rockin’, rage filled music festival. While I don’t have much expertise when it comes to evading bag checks or juking out security, the one thing I will admit to is having an unquenchable craving for an adrenaline rush, and this endeavor was the perfect fix. Although my successful attempt may have simply been a combination of coincidence, perfect timing, and years of experience climbing fences, I’m here to provide you with the information I used to plan a lucky landing and see a show that will go down forever in punk rock history.
1. Have a backup plan
Before you buy your plane ticket to California so you can sneak in to Coachella for free, remember that there’s no guarantee you’ll get in. If you’re going a considerable distance with no guarantee you’ll actually make it in to the festival, make sure you have a Plan B for the day so your time and transportation costs aren’t wasted.
2.Be prepared
So you’ve decided the risk is well worth the reward. Let’s get to it! Whether you’ve been planning this adventure for months, or you decide to go off of an impulse and test your luck (as I did) there’s a few things you need to think about and prepare for. Make sure you bring plenty of water, some snacks, and a little bit of extra cash to buy food and merch once you’re in. (Or to use for posting bail when you’re tackled by oncoming security guards.) Although these may seem like obvious necessities, they might just slip your mind if you’re too focused on plotting your entry. In addition to knowing what to bring, know what notto bring. In the chance that you are caught, you definitely don’t want to have any identification or illegal substances on you, so leave that smelly stash in the bottom of your dresser
drawer in its place. 3. It’s all about attitude.
You’re getting in. Don’t doubt it for a second. Any nervousness or hesitancy will only make you stand out and interfere with your slim window of opportunity. Once you’re deemed as suspicious by a nearby guard, it’s over. A little cockiness will take you a long way-all the way over a fence, in fact. Be audacious, be outrageous. Wimps don’t sneak in to concerts, but confident bad asses do. Now, are you a wimp, or a bad ass? I thought so.
4. Don’t Loiter
You’ve arrived at the festival and your nerves are getting the best of you. I get it, I was in your situation less than a week ago, but there’s no better way than to attract unwanted attention than just standing around with that panicked look on your face. Remember the point I made in #3? Make it look like you know what you’re doing and start scoping the place out.
5. Scout it out
For the love of all that is holy, please don’t climb the first section of unmanned fence that comes into sight. Just because you don’t see any security guards doesn’t mean they’re not lurking close by, and it most certainly does not mean there won’t be any cops or guards on the lookout outside of the festival, either. These guys don’t just look muscular and intimidating, they’re getting paid to make sure you stay out. Before you make any rash decisions (such as spontaneously sneaking in to a music festival), scout the place out. Walk around the entire enclosure if you need to. Notice where the vendors and bands have their trailers, as this is a highly guarded area, and a definite no-no when it comes to fence hopping. Watch to see where security is posted, and if they walk around or change posts every so often, as that might be your only opportunity to get in. Once you’ve located a rare, barren gap in security, it’s time to devise a plan.
6. Come up with a game plan
It’s time to get climbing. But before you do, take one final sweep around and pinpoint your perfect location and time. Find a section of fence without any security guards in sight, or if there are, detect when they switch shifts or walk around. Any kind of foliage that could help shield you creates a prime location for some fence hopping. Once you’ve decided on the best spot and time; GO! There’s not much more planning to it.
7. F@*! It
Either you do it, and do it NOW, or it’s not happening at all. So pull up your big boy pants, take a deep breath, and tell yourself, “Screw it.” This is the step that separates the posers from the punk rockers, and you didn’t come all this way just to end up a poser, did you? Now get your ass up and over that fence!
8. Know how to disappear
I’m no magician, but there’s one fool proof way to vanish after hopping the gate: locate the nearest crowd. Although I wasn’t rewarding this luxury seeing as I landed myself in a VIP area, you should have no problem finding one. Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, and look both ways for oncoming guards. Now quick! Before the adrenaline wears off, high tail your way to the nearest heavily populated stage.
9. Enjoy it!
Congratulations! You just saved a nice chunk of change, and have the story of a lifetime to tell your grandkids, so make the most of it! Get up to the front of the stage for your favorite band, punch someone in a mosh pit, or crowd surf to a wild song. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and munch on those snacks you brought with!