Your College Senior Year Bucketlist | The Odyssey Online
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Your College Senior Year Bucketlist

For the last of the best four years of your life

Your College Senior Year Bucketlist
University of California

Congrats! You've made it to the homestretch. After three years of stress, sweat, and tears your college experience is coming to an end. You laughed, you cried, and lost significant amounts of sleep to make it to this point. Now it's time to make the very best of your last year at school. Let this senior year bucket list show you how:

1. Use your student discount anywhere and everywhere that you can.

This privilege will soon be up. Take complete advantage of every dollar you have off for museums, theaters, clothing stores, restaurants, subscriptions, and more. Broke college students love discounts.

2. Attend at least one of each sporting event your school has to offer.

Whether it be a football game, soccer match, or swim meet, make the effort to be there. Support school teams at games to show off your last year of school spirit!

3. Go to any concerts held on campus.

They may not be your favorite artist, but they're there to provide a good time (not to mention a cheaper one). Appreciate your college's efforts to provide entertainment right on school grounds.

4. Take a class that isn't related to your major.

This one's a must. Venture outside of your major at least once and you won't regret it. Take a class that catches your eye or is a topic you always wanted to learn about. You'll be surprised how much you may enjoy the experience.

5. Try a keg stand (if you haven't already, because that screams 'so college').

Now is the time to get your last keg stand cravings out. You most likely won't have this activity available at grown up office parties.

6. Visit friends at their campuses.

For more fun and memories, visit your friends at their schools!

7. Go somewhere unexpected for spring break.

Stop going to Punta Cana to spend your week off drinking and sunbathing. Go to Rome to see the Colosseum. Hike the Grand Canyon. Go to Africa to help the children in need. Make better use of your vacation and money.

8. Befriend someone that you normally would not.

You might make a life long friend in someone you never expected to get along with.

9. Explore a part of campus you have not already... perhaps the roof...

Use that random rock climbing wall in the gym you always walked past. Take a dip in the pool you thought only the swim team could use. Witness the view of campus from an academic building's roof. It's your last year as a student here. Live it to the fullest.

10. Join LinkedIn.

You're almost a real person, so let the career networking begin. You'll thank yourself later.

And lastly...

11. Savor every moment before it's gone.

Before you know it, senior year will be over. And you will be feeling a mixed variety of emotions. Focus on the most important one:

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