The scariest thing and most exciting thing about leaving high school is finally being able to go to college. I think I speak for myself and many others when I say that my biggest fear was thinking that I would not fit in with the other people also attending my college. Luckily for me, by second semester I really found my people.
It is challenging to find the right group of people to surround yourself with in college. When you do find that group, though, they will honestly be like your second family. They are the people you can turn to for anything, and you can guarantee they are always willing to listen and give their two cents too. Whether it be two in the morning or two in the afternoon, at least one person in your "squaa" group chat will answer and come running to your aid. That is one of the best things about having your college family, they are always going to be there for you no matter how messed up the situation may be. For that, I will always be grateful, and if you have a group like this; you should feel this way too.
With this family comes all the siblings you could possibly imagine. Along with that comes the mom and dad, even the grandpa. You'll have your typical sibling moments from roasting each other endlessly, to speaking your mind and telling the person you are talking to the truth straight up. There really are no secrets between you all because you tell each other everything that goes on in your life, even if it is TMI at times. Not many people are lucky enough to have a bond like this, so cherish it for as long as you can.
This big crazy family comes along with some crazy memories. Some of the best memories will be the family trips to target, the movies, karaoke car rides, baking, and family dinners. These are going to be good times that will follow you around for the rest of your life. No matter where you all end up in this world, those memories will always be a part of you and will be held closely to your heart. You will be with each other through thick and thin, but that is what family is all about.
Chief, big guy, mom, and sisters thanks for being those people, and that second family. Thanks for accepting me for who I am, and accepting the flaws that come with me; love you all more than you could ever know. Keep killing it guys, you all are going to do great things one day. Hopefully, when those great things come, we are all still together. I truly am blessed with the best.
If you have found your people, my advice to you is to always make the most of every day that you are together with them, because one day you will all graduate and who knows where you all will end up. Cherish every moment and every memory that you can with them because you will never get these days back once they pass.