The fall semester is starting soon (ew) and there are countless ways to describe one's experience with higher learning. Personally, I feel that words alone often don't do it justice. 30 Rock has been off the air for over three years, however, ritually bingeing the entire series on Netflix continues to inspire me, make me laugh, and even comfort me in times of stress and, subsequent stress eating. Since my time in college is coming to an end soon, I can easily summing it up comes easily with the help of my favorite show about a show.
Honing in on your built-up confidence for the first day of class
Realizing all of your classes are literally miles away from each other
Going to your first college party
Discovering the seemingly endless possibilities at the dining hall on your way to the dreaded Freshmen 15
When your family asks how school is going
Seeing grown adults do things like ride a razor scooter around campus
Sleeping in and missing an entire class
Acing an exam you studied for by falling asleep on the first chapter of your textbook
Bombing a test you ACTUALLY STUDIED FOR
Seeking solace on Google for all those online quizzes
Volunteering to talk for your group presentations
"Attendance is part of your grade."
Discovering the cutie behind you in Psych
Making friends via mutual hatred of a person/place/thing
Aaaand realizing this will all be over in FOUR short years