While ordering my usual coffee at Dunkin Donuts this morning, I heard many different types of coffee orders from the customers in front of me. The one guy with the sunglasses on (even though we are inside) ordering an Espresso, the woman and her two children ordering coolatas and a large iced coffee to get her through the day, and the teenager ordering two different flavors in her coffee with extra sugar, milk, whipped cream and a hot cup so her hand doesn’t get cold. I knew what their attire represented of their personality, but what did their coffee order say about them?
So I compiled a list of what a coffee order says about someone's personality. Keep reading to see what your order says about you.
The Latte Drinker
You like to please other people and are very laid back. You appreciate latte art and all the detail and time that goes into it. Your wardrobe is mainly about comfort with the occasional exceptions. You are often indecisive even about the smallest choices.
The Black Coffee Drinker
You are a straightforward individual who likes to keep things simple. You don’t understand why people add so much into their coffee when it tastes good the way it is. You are an early riser and are up before the roosters. You like to work with your hands and appreciate handmade antiques.
Coffee with Cream and Sugar.
You are a real adult. You have your life put together and don't have time for frilly nonsense flavorings in coffee. Can I be you when I grow up please?
The Espresso Drinker
You are friendly and can adapt to any situation at a moment's notice. You take on leadership roles every chance you get and are extremely hard working. You are always on the go from one meeting to another and you know how to get what you want. You actually like the taste of coffee.
The Iced Coffee Drinker
You are only awake after your morning coffee. If you don't get your morning coffee the world better beware. You are assertive and outspoken. You were the kid who always asked for a bendy straw and lets be honest, you probably still buy them at the grocery store for yourself. You don’t let the weather dictate how you live your life. If it’s too cold out to hold your coffee without your hand falling off, you add a hot cup because nothing is stopping you from taking on the world today.
The Cappuccino Drinker
You are oblivious at times to the world around you. You are very sociable and optimistic even in the worst of situations. You are creative, honest and motivated in a reserved sort of way.
The Frappuccino Drinker
You my friend are adventurous and spontaneous and are the reason baristas hate going to work some days. You are stylish and often a trend setter. You are sometimes oblivious to the world around you but that may be because you’re glued to your social media accounts.
The Artisan Coffee Drinker
You are a hipster by definition. You have your own sense of style and love to be comfy cute. You like to enjoy your coffee with all the time in the world in small little coffee shops on their couches or at a high top table with your laptop or a good book. You would never be caught dead in a chain coffee shop as it is too mainstream.
Did I get your coffee personality right? Leave a comment for me down below and let me know if it was right or wrong!