Simply put, you are not how your body looks. I know, I know: another article about loving yourself in all stages of life… when will they ever stop? They will stop the minute you stop reading them, but until then, Hi! Since you clicked on my mediocre cover photo to read an article like the thousand you have seen before, I assume you are in search of self love, self acceptance, or a nice article to laugh at. First of all, I am so sorry that you are not comfortable in your skin. Being a 20 year old female in college, I know. I have been exactly where you are at, and I can tell you exactly how bad it sucks. I can also tell you that none of the negative things you think about your weight, body, fat rolls, stretch marks or general appearance define who you are.
Here’s the thing about your body: it is only a vessel. It is a house to the beautiful soul you have been given. It allows you to wake up, go for a run, lay in bed watching Netflix, drink a venti coffee from Starbucks, dance, eat burgers, try on the latest trends (and absolutely rock them), etc. This body carries you through your whole life, and allows you to live it to the fullest. Stop criticizing the way it was made to carry you.
Each and every body was made differently because each and every person was made with a different purpose. It is not your job, or your obligation, to fill it with hatred and resent. It should be a conscious effort, every single day to love every inch of your being. Stringy hair to boney toes to vivid stretch marks to protruding hips to rippling fat rolls to flat chest to chubby cheeks. This is who you are and exactly where you are meant to be.
Do not get me wrong, I do not suggest anyone live a very unhealthy lifestyle, but I also do not recommend constraining yourself under restricted living. If eating a big plate of pancakes makes you happy, then why should you stop yourself from eating them? It is okay. Walk it off, do some yoga, or don’t. Stop trying to fit into the pages of magazines. You are a real-life human with real-life curves and stretch marks and scars, and that is a beautiful thing.
Do not worry about other people’s perception of your body. It is yours. Do not worry about what guys find attractive. If a boy cannot appreciate the rolls on your stomach when you laugh, he is not the one. People who make you feel like your body is invalid are people you do not need to be around. If they invalidate something as temporary as your flesh, they surely will invalidate much more.
So rock your new jeans: size 2,10, 16 or 20. All that matters is that you stop seeking purpose in your curves. Let your body be. Let it be fire and flood and a force of nature, because that is exactly what it is. Grow, Grow, Grow!!!