Too fat.
Too skinny.
Too big.
Too small.
Too round.
Too bony.
These are all ways people characterize others. These are the kinds of things that bring people down and destroy their self esteem. Your body is your own. You are your own person. No other person, standard, regulation, magazine, television program, statistic or anything else should tell you what you need to look like. As long as you are happy with yourself, the rest is irrelevant.
Lately, all you hear about are ways to lose weight, gain weight or otherwise change weight in some way. I call bogus on all that. There does not always need to be change. This is coming from someone who is not a fan of change. I would rather stick with what is known. In this case, what is known is that someone is content with their size 0, size 5, size 9 or size 14 body. I am sick and tired of hearing people so upset about what size they are. Your size does not define you. You are so much more than that.
Think about fruits and vegetables for a moment. Think about your favorite fruit or vegetable. Think about someone else's favorite fruit or vegetable. Most likely they were not the same. Not every person is the same. Everyone has their own unique taste. This goes for people, food, books, clothes, anything. Not every person goes for the same thing. If they did, life would be boring and monotonous. This means there should be no reason to get down on yourself for having a pear, carrot, apple, string bean, banana or whatever shaped body. Somebody out there picks pears, carrots, apples, string beans, bananas or whatever as their favorite fruit or vegetable. Better yet, make whatever you are your favorite fruit or vegetable! Just be confident!
Please, I beg you. Do not go changing your physical image just because it does not fit with someone else's or someone else's view of who you should be. You do not want to become a stereotype. Stop following the book. Better yet, rip out a page and use it as inspiration to write your own book. Be you! Be true to yourself. Do not hide under a pile of what others think you should be!
Numbers do not have to label every aspect of our lives. Gas mileage is in numbers. Money is in numbers. Scores/grades are in numbers. Time is in numbers. So many different sections of everyday life contains numbers. You do not have to be a number. Your shape/figure do not have to be numbers. Your body is not a number.