Oh, no, another year older! What ever will you do? Here's an idea -- how 'bout enjoy it?
I know, it sounds crazy, considering after hitting what most people see as the last enjoyable milestone birthday, it seems childish to sit around a store-bought cake while people awkwardly sing to you.
Forget the presents and the funny hats. Even if you don't want to celebrate your birthday, because you're a Negative Nancy and think, "What's the point, when I'm just another year closer to death?"
You're wrong. You need a day to celebrate yourself, no matter how old.
You spend all year feeling obligated to satisfy every one else, why shouldn't you do the same for yourself? Don't tell me you have so much to do that you can't take a few minutes out of your own day to do something for yourself, because that's a load of crap. If you have to work all day, take a break and watch a funny YouTube video or eat dessert for lunch, or even take a day out of your weekend and make that the day you celebrate instead. Let your friends treat you to a few drinks! If going out isn't your thing, stay in and watch your favorite movie. Maybe you don't want to see anyone at all -- fine! Spend a day with yourself and just relax instead -- do something for you. It's your day. One day out of three hundred and sixty five to celebrate you.
Tell me again, why that's a bad thing?
Nothing makes me frown harder than when I'm super excited to give someone a gift or take them out to lunch for their special day, and they want nothing to do with making memories because "it's just another day." Your mother did not spend nine months pregnant and a day in agonizing labor however many years ago just for you to say "it's just another day." Stop that nonsense, and drink your milkshake. If you're lucky, maybe I'll even spike it for you!
Especially if you've been in a funk for a while, don't feel bad for going all out. Since when is it a crime to celebrate life? For one day, you shouldn't have to worry about anyone else. Just one day out of the whole year to not worry about anything or anyone except putting a smile on your own face (lucky for me, I'm easily amused).There's too much sadness in this world to waste time dwelling on the fact that you're getting older, or whatever other pathetic reason you give people for not wanting to celebrate- I refuse to believe that you truly are that boring.
Stop worrying about gray hairs and trips to the doctor. Newsflash: it's happening to everyone. Save the pessimism for another day, and lighten up. Wear a party hat, and blow out your candles (or candle, if you're worried about igniting a forest fire). Don't rain on your own parade.