"Today's just not my day" is a phrase we all use every now and then. It's okay, that's apart of being a human. That's apart of having feelings, both good and bad. I'm going to say that one more time, that it's okay. In fact, you're okay. But be sure to keep in mind, a bad day doesn't equal a bad life.
Whenever you feel like your day is just going totally sour, give yourself a pep talk. It can be out loud or just in your head. You could even write it down on a piece of paper. In order to change your bad day into a good one you're going to have to convince yourself.
Speak your positive attitude right into existence. Tell yourself you can make it through the day because you can. Talk to someone that always makes your day. Buy your fav fast food, take a new route home for different scenery- but whatever you do, don't allow yourself to go to bed frustrated.
We have these icky days to appreciate the ones that feel perfect. The ones that we go to sleep smiling about. The ones we share with people around us that we care about. As I mentioned earlier, it's normal you feel this way. It's so easy to think negatively sometimes. But just as easy as it is to tell yourself how crappy your day is, it's just as easy to tell yourself that it's a great day.
Your attitude is like the GPS in your car. It directs you. Just like the GPS in your car, you can adjust/ change your attitude. The more positive thoughts you have, the better the road is you travel on. The better life gets.
There are a lot of things in life we will never be able to change, but our attitudes will always be up to us.