I recently turned 20. On Sunday to be exact. And while I did celebrate with friends, I just wasn't in the birthday mood. Part of it comes from the fact that I no longer really enjoy my birth "day", but also because here in America our 20th birthdays aren't meant to mean much.
We call it the limbo year. Where you're technically not a teenager, but you can't drink legally yet. But that's just it, you aren't a teenager anymore. You are an adult. You're in your 20s!
That's kind of a big freaking deal. Something everyone should want to celebrate fully. But we don't because the great big 21 is looming. Screw that. 20 is the year people should prepare you for. There's a sense of loss that comes with turning 20 that no one tells you about. You're no longer in your teens, and depending on how those went for you, you might feel a sense of nostalgia or even regret about things done, or even things missed.
How is it that I'm now in my 20s, which according to a plethora of online bloggers, is the best/worst time of my life? These are the years I'll start to truly discover myself. Where I'll make epic mistakes, and it really may be the end of the world. Where I'll hopefully fall in love, and maybe even get married (lol). I might even have kids! Oh and I can rent a car; it's gonna be a big next ten years.
All of this is to say, I know 21 is the prize, the golden year, the big 2-1, but don't forget about 20, it's just as, if not more important than the next year. And honestly you should just celebrate every year like crazy.
You made it to one whole other year, get down with your bad self!