“Golden Days” by Panic! At The Disco | The Odyssey Online
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20 Songs for Your 2018 Summer Playlist

Because let's face it: You need to start your summer with a bang(er)!

20 Songs for Your 2018 Summer Playlist

It's that time of year again: summertime! And of course, you know what that means: backyard parties, barbecues, squeezing into summer clothes you haven't worn in a year, and of course, listening to music poolside. Sometimes it can be hard to "set the mood" for summer with the odd weather we've been having lately, but for me, music always helps to give off those summer vibes. With that being said, here's 20 songs you can add to your 2018 summer playlist.

“High Hopes” by Panic! At The Disco

June 21st marks to first official day of summer, so of course Panic! decided to come out with their sixth studio album, Pray for the Wicked, on June 22nd. Panic! Has already released several songs ahead of the album's release, but my personal favorite is "High Hopes." To me, this song is all about staying on your path to success. Perhaps you have a summer job that you're working at to make ends meet, maybe you have an internship that you're only at for the experience. Whatever the case, "High Hopes" will definitely help you get through that summer grind.

“Midsummer Madness” by 88rising

This song was recommended to me by a friend. I admittedly have never heard of 88rising until I started writing this article, but this song definitely gives that IDGAF summer vibe. I will definitely be listening to this song while at the beach, no doubt.

“No Tears Left to Cry” by Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande never disappoints her fans with her singles - or with news on her dating life. Last I checked, she's engaged to SNL cast member Pete Davidson after only dating him for a few weeks. I'm still reeling from the news since it's overall surreal, just like the music video for this song. Guess you can say that Ari truly is in a certain "state of mind."

“Back to You” by Selena Gomez

Called me a late comer, but I didn't hear this song fully until I watched season 2 of "13 Reasons Why". I will admit that I at first didn't really like this song much until I saw the gorgeous music video Selena Gomez recently released. I love the silent film aspect of the video, which is something you don't ordinarily expect with music videos, but hey, the video is great regardless.

“This is America” by Childish Gambino

While this song marks the beginning of the end of Childish Gambino's music career, "This is America" is without doubt one of my favorite songs from 2018. I'm pretty sure I've watched the music video 500 times trying to decipher all the messages Childish Gambino tries to convey to the audience.

“I Like It” by Cardi B

I definitely like your music videos like that, Cardi! This banger just screams summer party!

“Girls Like You” by Maroon 5 Feat. Cardi B

This song's music video may not be as busy as Cardi B's "I Like It" video, but this crooner tune is mellow enough to listen to on lazy summer nights. Everybody from Gal Gadot and JLO to Millie Bobby Brown and Ashley Graham appear in cameos of this music video. Bravo Maroon 5, beautiful song.

“rockstar” by Post Malone Feat. 21 Savage

Okay, don't sue me for this, but I'm not much of a Post Malone fan. However, I will give him props for coming out with this song because it's all that I hear on the radio nowadays.

“IDGAF” By Dua Lipa

What can I say? IDGAF about summer responsibilities, am I right? (Also side note, check out Panic! At The Disco's amazing live cover of this song on BBC Radio.)

“Never Be The Same” by Camila Cabello

Okay, so technically this song came out "before" the summer, but it's still freaking great people! Love you Camila!

“One Kiss” By Calvin Harris Feat. Dua Lipa

I can totally see myself listening to song at a dance party or in a Forever 21 as I spend the last of my latest paycheck at the mall.The song just has that "feel good" summer vibe to it. Guess Calvin Harris has a knack for that.

“Youth” by Shawn Mendes Feat. Khalid

This song is meant for people who may be feeling down with what's going in our world today (like seriously, who isn't nowadays) and perhaps feels like they're at odds with what it means to be young. Honestly, I'm glad a song like this exists. Check out the lyric video to appreciate the song entirely.

“Somebody” by The Chainsmokers & Drew Love

Just like Post Malone's "rockstar", I hear this song all the time on the radio (not that I'm complaining though).

“Delicate” by Taylor Swift

Listen guys, I know it's too soon to do this yet, but I know that it's delicate: I absolutely love T-Swift. Any haters can come at me, IDC! [Just don't ruin my reputation y'all ;) ].

“Whatever It Takes” By Imagine Dragons

This song is from Imagine Dragon's most recent album, "Evolve". As the title suggests, this song is all about motivation and quite literally doing whatever it takes.

“Fall in Line” by Christina Auguilera & Demi Lovato

This song is more of a power ballad than a quote-unquote summer song, but you can't argue against X-tina and Demi, like come on fam.

“Archie, Marry Me” by Alvvays

This is another song recommended to me by a friend. I've never heard of Alvvays (please don't be offended Alvvays fans!), but I do like this song. This song sounds like it's perfect for a summer road trip or for a day at the boardwalk (just like in the music video).

“Golden Days” by Panic! At The Disco

Summer only lasts for three months, so the memories you make will last for a long time. Whether you finally take that well needed vacation, or binge watch "Stranger Things" for the millionth time (and side note: Noah Schnapp, the actor who plays Will Byers in "Stranger Things", appeared in one of Panic!'s videos, "LA Devotee"), summer is defined by memories. It's almost as if summer days are indeed our Golden Days.

“Hopeless Opus” by Imagine Dragons

I listen to this song every summer, TBH. Pro tip: Listen to this song poolside with the sun beaming down on you at high noon. Will cure any summer blues you're experiencing, period. Same goes for another song by Imagine Dragons, "Summer."

“God’s Plan” by Drake

What can I say? This playlist wouldn't feel right if I didn't include this song too.

Now if you'll excuse me, I plan on listening to this playlist on repeat while I try to make the most of my summer this year. Thanks!

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