I have absolutely no shame in admitting that I binged watched the first four seasons of this show in about a week. That's sad, I know. But, once you watch a few episodes of this series you will find yourself in the same position as me: on the couch, eating Halo Top ice cream and convincing yourself that 2 a.m. is not too late in the night for another episode because you just have to find out what happens with Sutton Foster's love life.
Most of you may not have heard of this show, but believe me when I tell you that this is one of the most underrated shows on television and here is why you should drop everything you are doing and watch episode one right now.
1. Sutton Foster is so adorable, but also SO RELATABLE
Sutton Foster plays the main character, Liza Miller, who is a 40-year-old woman that poses as a 26-year-old in order to land a job at a major publishing company. She is fun and clever and watching her navigate the crazy world of being a millennial in 2017 leads to some absolute hilarity. You'll adore her, trust me.
2. Two words: Nico Tortorella
Imagine a man that is rugged and tough on the exterior, but underneath lies a heart of gold. Imagine a man with a face and eyes that make you melt into your couch and make you want to scream "OMG he is so delicious" (my mom and I have both said this at least 10 times). That man is Nico Tortorella, a.k.a Josh. You will fall in love with him instantly and falling out of love with him is near to impossible. You're welcome.
3. Hilary Duff is a BOSS ASS BITCH
Hilary Duff's character on Younger, Kelsey, is everything you want to be; she doesn't take any shit from anybody, she runs her own imprint, and SHE NEEDS NO MAN (although she does have some devastatingly handsome men enter her life throughout the show just for shits and giggles).
4. Debi Mazar = the best friend you've always wanted
Debi Mazar plays Sutton Foster's best friend, Maggie, who has some of the best one-liners I have ever heard. She does not pull any punches and she is a lesbian goddess. You never know what she is going to do next and sometimes you really wish you did. Enjoy the wild ride that is Maggie. Also, she has the best name ever. Just saying.
5. Miriam Shor is EVERYTHING
Miriam Shor plays Diana, Sutton Foster's uptight, bitchy boss that you can love and hate all at the same time. She is the definition of sassy and smart and has some of the best necklaces on television. Her dead-panned delivery is impeccable and she knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it. Diana is goals.
6. Another 2 words: Peter Hermann
If you're into that whole silver fox thing, then you will fall in love with Peter Hermann, a.k.a Charles. He is the refined businessman who acts as the perfect foil to the hipster Josh. He also makes for some great eye-candy (not as great as Josh, but that's just my opinion), but he has a lot of baggage so be wary before you fall in love with him.
This show will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and honestly, I'm surprised that you have reached this point in the article and haven't already turned on your TV to start binge watching it. Season 5 premiered Tuesday, June 5th, so you better get a move on. Welcome to your newest obsession.