Dear sisters,
I wanted to start off by saying how grateful I am to have you in my life. I’ll admit, there have been times where I’ve wished to have been an only child. These usually occur when the bathroom that we share looks like a bomb exploded, or when I notice that you get away with things that I couldn’t. However, I would never trade you for anything. As the oldest, I used to wish that I had an older sibling who would help me navigate through life. Someone who could help me with school, friendships, parents and relationships. Someone who’d stand up for me, occasionally take me for ice cream or a movie and listen to me vent about anything and everything. While it’s unfortunate that I don’t have an older brother or sister, I realize that I have something so much better:
I get to BE that cool, older sibling.
I don’t ever want you to feel like you are a burden to anyone, especially me. I love it when we get to do things together like trying new sushi rolls, going to see the latest animated film or even just chilling at home watching wacky YouTube videos. I love hearing about your good days and your bad days.
It’s taken me a little while to accept my role as older sibling. I wish I had realized it when I was still in high school, because then at least I would have been around more often. Now that I’m in college, it’s harder to have an active role in your lives. I wish I could attend all of your recitals, concerts and sporting events.
Even though I may not be physically present in your day to day lives, I’m still here for you. In fact, I have some advice that maybe will help you as you grow older.Mom and Dad are going to frustrate the hell out of you.
You are going to argue and fight with them over a lot of things. You might not feel like they know best, and maybe in some cases they don’t, however, they do have your best interests in mind. I’ve found that they are some of the most understanding people I know and will actively try to see things from your perspective.
Don’t waste high school chasing after guys.Date or don’t, it’s really up to you. I’m all for relationships, but don’t waste your energy pursuing something that is most likely not going to last.
Be fearless in the pursuit of your passions.Want to try out for a new sport or audition for the school play? Do it. Don’t limit yourself and what you want to do based on what your friends, significant other and family want you to do. Choose to go to school where you want to and don’t make sacrifices based on who you are dating at the time.
Spend time learning about and loving who you are.The world will try to tell you that you aren’t enough. Embrace who you are and your flaws that make you unique. A woman who is comfortable in her own identity can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to.
Your Big Sister