My Younger Siblings Have Taught Me More Life Lessons Than My College Professors | The Odyssey Online
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My Younger Siblings Have Taught Me More Life Lessons Than My College Professors

Having a brother, or sister means teaching each other life lessons and always being there for each other at the end of the day.

my own photo
Mia Perlman

The coined dictionary definition for a sibling is: one of two or more individuals having a common parent. However, there is much more to siblings than sharing a parent. Having a brother, or sister means teaching each other life lessons and always being there for eachother at the end of the day.

Fortunately, I have been blessed with two younger sisters and a younger brother. My sisters are 18 and 16 years old and my brother is 14 years old. Since we are all very close in age, we have all grown very close figuratively, and literally.

Not only are all of our bedrooms within close proximity to one another at home but I am also lucky enough to call my sisters and my brothers my best friends. No matter what happens throughout all of our lives, we are all there for each other through the thick and thin and I am beyond thankful.

Since I am the oldest of the four of us, many different stereotypes placed upon me, For example, as the oldest child I have a reputation of being a perfectionist and an overachiever. I am also said to be responsible, competitive and conventional.

As the oldest, I also have stigmas placed upon me such as that I am apparently constantly seeking attention and I am likely to conform to please others. Some of these stereotypes and stigmas might be true, others, I know are definitely not true about myself.

Additionally, as the eldest I strive to be a role model for my younger siblings and I try to teach them as much as I possibly can. Whether it be academically, or life lessons, I want my siblings to be able to learn from the mistakes I have made and to flourish in whatever they choose to pursue.

I hope that my sisters and brother learn from me, but even though I am supposed to be constantly teaching them, I think that they teach me just as much, if not more than I teach them. Each of them are very different with diverse passions and talents and I could not be happier that each of them is pursuing something that they love.

My sister Debra is great at math, and science and I cannot help but admire, and learn from her confidence. I could only wish I was as confident, and as patient as she is.

My sister Rose is a great artist, and writer and her laugh is absolutely contagious. I could only wish I smiled and enjoyed the little things in life as much as she does.

Finally, my brother Kyle is a history buff and is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. I have never met anybody so compassionate and empathetic at just 14 years old.

In the end, I know we might fight and get frustrated with each other but I am so grateful for each of my siblings. I cannot wait to continue growing with them, and teaching them as life goes on.

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