To My Naive, Younger Self, Here's Some Overdue Life Advice From Yours Truly | The Odyssey Online
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To My Naive, Younger Self, Here's Some Overdue Life Advice From Yours Truly

For once, don't be so headstrong, and actually listen to your own advice.

To My Naive, Younger Self, Here's Some Overdue Life Advice From Yours Truly
Mitali Bidkar

Dear Mitali,

You should know that growing up definitely has its pros, but the cons are far more drastic than the upsides.

First, let’s talk about school. I know that you might think that you’re the smartest person ever right now and that you’re unstoppable, but here’s a fun fact: you’renot, and there are about a million things that can stop you. The competition is just going to get worse from here onwards, and you’re probably going have to start working harder than ever before. Otherwise, you’ll end up regretting it like I am right now. So pick up the pace, and don’t slack off.

I don’t think I can stress this point harder. Don’t slack off — just don’t do it. It won’t get you anywhere, and you’ll have to work double time to make up for it. Always pay attention to your surroundings, and take note of what is happening around you, both inside and outside the classroom. You’ll thank me for this later.

I know you’ll be disappointed when you hear this, but please start studying more. Trust me; you won’t regret it for a second in the future. It would also benefit you to learn a thing or two from grade levels above you. Plus, you’ll be smarter than all the kids you know.

Speaking of grade levels above you, talk to kids who are older than you. It doesn’t matter if they are one year older than you or even 10 years older; just put yourself out there. These kids will grow up to give you advice about high school classes, relationships, college classes and much more — keep them in your wheelhouse. Especially because you’re an only child, you may feel alone the majority of the time and may lack the companionship of an older sibling. These older friends will be there to fill that void.

Please talk to people of the opposite gender. Boys don’t have cooties, and they certainly aren’t out to get you. They’re very... interesting people, and you’ll definitely enjoy whatever time you spend with them and the conversations you have, as well. Don’t be scared; guys won’t hurt you. (Actually, sometimes they might, but we’ll get to that in another letter.)

Keep your friends close and your enemies as far away from you as they can possibly be. You’ll never need that kind of negativity in your life, and though you can learn a lot from being close with your enemies, it’ll do you more bad than good. There’ll be times when all you want is to rip out the hair of the person you hate (or rip out your own), but keep a calm head and think it through. That’s your best skill.

As you grow up, you’ll start to realize just what you’re good at and what you lag behind in. Rely on your ability to think coolly in rough spots, and don’t let the heat of the situation get to you. Otherwise, you’ll start thinking irrationally and will resort to anger instead of diplomacy. Don’t let your sense of compassion disappear, or else many people who like you right now may not feel the same way anymore. And don’t even bother trying new things; they definitely won’t work out for you.

Oh, did I forget to mention that you’re a huge quitter?

Always tell the truth, no matter the magnitude of the consequences or who it may hurt. Even though the possibility of losing those around you is high with telling the truth, the complete solitude of being trapped in a web of lies is a feeling that you never want to experience.

Develop the hobbies that you currently love into talents. Work twice as hard as I did at piano and flute, and immerse yourself in the world of public speaking. (Enjoy it while you get the chance because you certainly won’t enjoy it later.) Take your love of math to the next level, and while you’re at it, marry it.

Interact with only those worthy of your presence. Don’t try to hang out with the "popular" kids just because they’re cool; try talking to that girl in your class who's super shy but amazing at the oboe, instead. Maybe you guys will hit it off. You’re going to have people in your life who love you and care about you but may not be the "coolest."

They’ll certainly be the warmest in your heart. Some amazing people that you meet might have done some not-so-amazing things in the past, but try your best to leave those actions where they were committed in the past and not bring them to light in the present.

Be broad-minded, and bury yourself in the beauty around you. Get off your phone — it’s not going anywhere — and look at the movements right before your very eyes that are changing the world, your family, friends, art, literature, music and scientific advancements. Anything is more worthwhile than staring into a brightly-lit screen for hours on-end.

Stay innocent for as long as possible, and don’t do too many stupid things. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how you turn out. Oh, and remember to have fun — lots of it.



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