This week, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about important qualities and the person who really made me emphazise these qualities. Those qualities are loyalty and commitment, and that person is the President of the Huntington Young Republicans Club, Sam Bifulco.
Throughout the course of time, you meet people who change the way you look at life or think about the true meaning and purpose of it. You also gain a greater appreciation for their presence and compassion. Those who tend to be people that inspire you to reach for the sky and to be determined to let nothing get in your way.
Sam is not only the president of the Huntington Young Republicans, an organization that I am blessed to be a part of myself. He is also a true, loyal and caring friend. Sam is someone you can count on and have trust in with just about anything. Though I have only known him for a few months now, he has taught me so many things and important life lessons. He made me realize that life can be lived to the fullest and that you have to take challenges every now and then to overcome your fears. He has also become a huge role model and inspiration for myself and fellow Young Republicans. I'm so blessed to know him!
But for this article, I want to focus on commitment and loyalty. Sam has taught me that being loyal and committted both ultimately relate to one another. Loyalty is being respectful, kind, caring and compassionate to your community, your friends, family and yourself. Commitment is prioritizing your time and yourself to important causes. Being relied upon by someone to follow through on a task is a an example of both. There are numerous ways to achieve the goal of being loyal and committed to anything you feel is important. Make your actions speak louder than words, donate to charity, spend time with those in need, follow through on your promises, make yourself and important people in your life proud. The list goes on and on!
Sam has also made me gain a greater appreciation for serving others, especially this past fall when I was heavily involved with phone banking and campaigning for our local republican candidates during the elections. He has brought out the best of me and that is a gift that is irreplaceable.
I can't thank him enough, it's a true miracle how we have committed ourselves to serving the club and to also maintaining a friendship that we can always count on each other for just about anything.
Thank you, Sam! For being such an amazing friend, a mentor, leader, role model and so much more, that words can not explain!
What really made me decide to write this article was all based on instinct and giving back to a great leader and friend! And that is one way I am showing loyalty and also showing commitment to my friend Sam!