"Hey yo, I'm just like my country I'm young scrappy and hungry. I am not throwing away my SHOT!"
Come on you've gotta love that catchy-ness that is the hit musical Hamilton. But, in all honesty most young adults in American, from any time period can relate to this saying. In our early to late 20's is when we are trying to make something of ourselves. It's when we are given the most opportunities. It's also, at least right now, when we are kicked off our parents insurance plans.
At the sprite young age of 25 I decided to apply for Medicaid because, being chronically ill, I don't want to be a financial burden on my retired parents. Who are already living on a fixed income, and helping me at the same time. I don't want my medical burden on them as well. So I ventured out into the world of healthcare thinking "this will be great I'll get my own plan, my parents won't have to pay. I CAN DO THIS! I'M ADULTING!!!"
But let me tell you it was wake up call that hit me in the face like a big red brick. March 24, 2017 the president stated that the vote to repeal the affordable care act would be postponed because the Republican Party didn't have enough votes. "You don't have the votes. You're gonna need congressional approval and you don't have the votes." Now go listen to Cabinet Battle #1 from Hamilton and it's scary how the politics of today are still so similar to those of 1800.
Yes there are problems with our affordable healthcare system our premiums have sky rocketed, some believe not all deserve affordable healthcare, and Republicans and Democrats fight endlessly instead of looking for a bipartisan solution. But maybe instead of both sides arguing and trying to come up with a completely new system, we fix what we already have. We need to find a compromise, come together and be the great nation we once were!