7 Struggles Of A Young Republican | The Odyssey Online
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7 Struggles Of A Young Republican

Democrats be warned.

7 Struggles Of A Young Republican
Huffington Post

If you are a registered Republican between the ages of 18-25, you feel like the minority. Our generation is known for being a liberal one. Is that a bad thing? No. Everyone has a right to his/her beliefs. However, Republicans of our generation may feel alone at times. Well, my friends, you are not alone, we are all in this together. Below is a list of the common struggles young republicans are faced with today.

1. Everyone knows you're a Republican.

Is it that obvious? maybe it's the way I roll my eyes when people talk about gun control. (Fun fact: I was a member of the NRA... for a year. Broke college student problems.) Or maybe it's that I plan on voting for Donald Trump? Hey, someone's gotta win.

2. Everyone wants to argue with you... even your teachers.

If there is one thing a strong minded liberal (or conservative) enjoys more than anything, it's debating politics. The issue that arises for Republicans our age is that they are generally debating with four Democratic thinkers on their own. I was a senior in high school during the last election, and this was basically my day to day life.

One thing that has always been impossible for me to escape was teachers wanting to argue with me about politics.. I grew up in a small farm town, and it was never any secret where my family stood on politics. The majority of my teachers growing up had polar opposite political views from mine. I learned a lot from all of my teachers, but I was targeted more than once by a teacher who got on the topic of politics, and wanted to prove a point by winning an argument with a Republican student one-fourth their age. It's my personal belief that educators should not try to influence students by expressing their political beliefs during class as if they were pure fact. But hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Those teachers inspired me to become much more informed on politics, and helped me strengthen my beliefs even further.

3. People automatically assume you are racist or prejudice against gays.

Am I racist? No. I hate all people equally. Saying all Republicans are racist or prejudice is equally as naive as saying that all Democrats are on welfare. Are some Republicans racist? Sure. Are some black people racist? Sure. We will continue to be a divided society until we stop generalizing and making assumptions.

4. You are skilled in the art of holding your tongue.

One thing that all of those arguments I was subjected to in high school has taught me is you arenever going to change anyone's mind. Therefore, if people want to argue just for argument's sake, hold your tongue. Silence speaks volumes. Don't be bullied into saying something out of anger or frustration. Don't succumb to leading statements, and don't react to the inflammatory remarks people may make. You have a right to your beliefs, and if someone is blatantly criticizing your beliefs, then they are small people. Be the bigger person.

5. You just don't understand.

Lets face it: Most people our age don't have the best understanding of what it's like to live in the real world. We don't have full time "adult" jobs and we don't own homes. That being said, it baffles me to listen to people my age talk about taxes and government assistance programs as if they have all of the answers. Guess what? We don't have a clue.

6. You actually like Donald Trump.

Was he your first choice? Maybe not. But look at the line up. At least he isn't currently under criminal investigation. Laugh all you want, He's a accomplished business man who gets things done and doesn't sugar coat the truth. Say what you will about Trump, but he says what he thinks, and I will take honesty over a fake smile and disingenuous speech any day.

7. You take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.

And when you feel alone... you remind yourself that your party mascot is the wise elephant, not a donkey.

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