Many people in this country, especially younger adults, do not realize the privilege that is sitting right in front of them. Once someone turns 18 in America, they get a chance to have a say in our government, whether it be for a town mayor, a states senate ,or even the president of the United States. I hate hearing from people my age that they’re not going to vote because they don’t feel like it’s "necessary". Personally, I'm excited for the election of 2016 because it will be my first time to vote for the president-something I’ve been looking forward to since 2008 with Obama and McCain. Although ,I admit, I have never been a fan of politics before. It was only recently I realized how important it is to become educated and sign up for voting. If you're still not sure about voting, here are some reasons that might help you decide.
Your Voice Matters
Although it doesn’t seem like one vote will affect an entire campaign, it will. It is possible for a candidate to win by a handful of votes, so every vote does matter. And even though it doesn’t seem like your vote is a voice in the country, when you realize how many people agree with your views, your vote becomes a huge voice.
It’s Our Generation
This next election is going to effect our generation more than any other generation. Young adults are just starting their lives so it’s important that we have a say in important topics like health care, taxes and global warming. These topics affect our future lives as well as the future of our children. It's important to understand the issues that is going on in our country and try to help stop them because in 10 years we're going to be real adults living with our family in this country.
Find a Topic You Care Strongly About
Whether it's abortion, our health care, or environmental issues, chances are, if you’re a young adult, you believe in something strongly. This is another reason why young adults should vote. You can have a chance in changing the views of these topics. If you strongly agree with pro-choice then, find out what candidate agrees with it, too. This will motivate you to vote because it's a topic you strongly believe in.
Vote Because You Can
Many people around the world fight for the right to vote, so you should vote because you can. If you don’t feel like you know enough about the election, you can educate yourself. While becoming an adult, a person should be aware of the country they live in. One day, a person is going to find something they dislike about where they are living and want to know what they can do to change it. This should give them a reason to become educated and vote. Lastly, many people have fought for our freedom and our rights, so it’s important to use all our freedoms-this means voting.