The 2016 Presidential Race just faced 11 primary elections to showcase who they want to see represent both parties as the ultimate candidates. There is so much history that can be made in this election alone: a possible first woman President, the first Hispanic President, "The Apprentice" host may be elected as he is currently the front-runner for the GOP candidacy...
However, this is more than just who we are electing, this is turning point election the nation has ever seen. The self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist from Vermont is challenging former first lady Hillary Clinton, while the GOP has reached complete chaos during every debate we have seen; from vulgarity, slander, and ads for attack purposes, this is the most brutal election the nation has seen to-date. Young voters are assumed to be a powerful force at this year's election in determining who will be the 44th President of the United States of America. However, there seems to be two common sides in young voters as to how the votes will swing this term--either they feel the "Bern" or they don't really know... Now this isn't to say that there aren't millennials who don't know about politics and have valid reasons as to who they are supporting and why, but here is just the big picture about politics, what they are about, and what young people should know about voting.
Journalists such as Kate Green with New Statesmen who have said, "Young people don't join political parties because they offer real change. If they join at all, it's because it's a great joke to tell their friends." Cynicism has been a leading factor in this presidential election, for a lot of young people believe they don't need to vote because either way we lean, we're going to fail as a nation... However, the way we fail as a nation is by not becoming involved with what could happen for the betterment of our society. This election was supposed to have the highest turnout of young voters, yet they have been the least heard, and why is that? We young voters rely so heavily on what is taught, that we seize to have the knowledge and opinions so rightfully owned yet aren't expressed. It is important that the youth of this nation learn about politics for the reason being that the possibility of knowing is endless; it is the duty of an American to know how their country works in order to keep it viable and focus on problems that are affecting our current generation.
There is no such thing as "free lunch." In other words, education, birth control, health care, none of it is "free" because there will always be someone who has to pay for it. It seems as though this year, politicians are more interested in getting elected, rather than focusing on the people and their interests, and commonly that is how the game is played. We see few candidates this election term who have been "by the people, for the people," but there is a lack of connection between the candidates and citizens. Furthermore, young people scare easily when asking which party they identify with, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc., the key to it all is listening to both sides of a campaign, at the end of the day whomever is elected will be representing us a nation, and it is important that we focus on the whole picture rather than one side. Lastly for as corrupt as our nation's government is, and it is pretty corrupt... the one true American right that can never be taken away (within reason) is the ability to get the vote out. There is this belief that one vote doesn't matter, but imagine that "one vote that doesn't matter" and multiply that by two million other people who have the same ideology as you! No one the vote doesn't count, it's not getting out there!
We as the leader's of tomorrow have to focus on the real picture at stake which is our government officials, and who will lead us to become the nation that we once were. We need to look at the problems that society is facing and voice mass opinions in order to be able to come up with a solution. Instead of focusing on "Kimye and Amber Rose" focus on the fact that this ship will either swim or sink if we don't become involved on what will become our reality. Instead of focusing on Leonardo DiCaprio finally winning an Oscar, focus on what was said in his speech attributed to politics and the role it plays on the environment as a whole, "We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people out there who would be most affected by this. For our children’s children, and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed. I thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take this planet for granted..."
As a young man who has grown up in politics, I strongly encourage my peers to become interested in what could be our tomorrow, and gain knowledge on how one law can change everything for better or worse; and I encourage those who have already been on top of politics and this 2016 election to continue to stay involved and voice that opinion that matters so much regardless if you are just one person. By speaking, we lure people in to listen, and that once opinion can change thousands... #MillennialsKnow #MillennialsLearn #Vote2016