PSA TO YOUNG PEOPLE: You don’t have to have your life completely figured out right now.
In June, I finished my first year of college at FIDM. And lately, knowing that I am starting my second year very soon, and my FIDM experience will be over June 2016, my thoughts have been plagued with anxiety and fear about how my life is going to turn out.
I feel like young people are constantly pressured into figuring out what the next 40 years of their life is going to consist of. And the thing is, we are expected to figure out our future in the most vulnerable and confusing years of our lives. The questions are constantly coming from older people. Are you in college? What are you studying? What is your career path? Do you have a boyfriend? Where do you want to live? Are you having kids? You say you want to be successful, but how exactly are you going to do that? GAHHHH. JUST STOP IT. LET US LIVE. LET US FIGURE OUT LIFE AS IT COMES TO US. It also doesn’t help that we see celebrities living large and are constantly saying “GOALS GOALS GOALS” to lifestyles that we want so badly, but are so confused as to how to get there.
I think young people focus too much on the endgame instead of living in the moment. Everything happens for a reason. Stop over-analyzing, and just let life take you for a ride.