For the last four years, an organization called Young Life has been changing my life every single day. It started with just two people in my life and now I have made many best friends because of Young Life.
The summer before my sophomore year in high school, two of my really good friends, Lauren and Carly, were gone for a week in the summer at camp. When they got back, they told me about how much fun at this thing called Young Life camp. Their friend Faith had an older sister who was their leader and they got to go away for a whole week and have fun with people from across the country.
They invited me to go to a Young Life event with them that summer.
I was nervous about going into a new situation, but it was actually a lot of fun. After that, I kept going with them to a thing called club. It was this event every Monday night hosted by Young Life where we all came and played a bunch of games and just had fun. At the end of the night, a leader would get up and a story about their own life and a story from the bible. For someone who didn't know much about God or the bible, it is a great way to learn more with listening to a story.
I kept going back until it was a regular thing to do on a Monday night. My mom would drive me to club and it was just a great way to start the week. Finally, my leader invited me to go to summer camp. It would be a week-long trip away from our everyday lives. No phones, no social media. Just us, God and nature. It was going to be the best week of my life they told me.
And it was.
For the first time ever, I really was able to understand God. At camp, they taught us the story of the Gospel. We were taught that no matter what God loves us and will always be there for us. As someone who was going through a lot, those three words changed my life forever. God loves you. This was something I couldn't grasp. Because when I was a kid every Monday night I would go to church school. I didn't pay much attention, maybe because I was very distracted as a kid. But, I knew Jesus's story. Though I didn't really listen to what was said to me nor did I really care, I was baptized as a baby. I participated in First communion in second grade and confirmation in eighth grade all in the Catholic Church.
When I was eight my family lost both my grandparents on my mom's side. It was hard for me to grasp why two very close people to me were taken away. I think at some point I just started to blame God. At this point, my family stopped attending church. Then, when I was in middle school I lost my grandmother in my dad's side and an uncle. At a young age, I couldn't understand why all these people around me were dying and getting sick.
While in middle school, I was also bullied by these girls which got so bad I ended up having to file for a restraining order, which made more people bully me for speaking up.
All of this led me to resent God.
I didn't understand why he was putting all of this pain on me. I began to feel depressed and lonely. I thought that no one would love me, but little did I know that God never turned his back on me during any of this.
Then I started going to Young Life and it really helped me to see that it isn't all painful. When I went to Young Life camp and got to hear the gospel fully it really opened my eyes to see what was truly going on in my life. That week I cried out to God and actually heard his response for once. Something changed inside of me and was able to actually open up to the idea that God really does love me and forgives my sins. After a long emotional talk with my Young Life leader and hearing the gospel, I wanted to start a relationship with Christ.
At the end of camp, I stood up with about 50 other campers and announced that I knew Jesus is my savior and I wanted to start a relationship with him.
After camp, my young life leader invited me to Aletheia College Park a local church that welcomed me with open arms. I was grateful to have a place to worship Christ. That was almost two years ago and since then my relationship with Christ has only grown stronger. Last March I renounced my faith by getting baptized as a believer. All my friends and family were there to celebrate with me including all my Young Life leaders.
Young Life not only gave me a home and a sense of belonging when I needed it, but they taught me the true meaning of God's love. My leaders were always there for me through my journey of starting a relationship with Christ. I will always be grateful for the family Young Life has given me. I now get to still continue my journey with Young Life through college. But, I am now training to become a Young Life leader to give back to the organization that changed my life forever. I can not wait to help the organization that changed my life change more lives.