I've just recently started openly labeling myself as a feminist. My life has always been the embodiment of the word though. I'm inherently stubborn and curious, not to mention I don't like doing things just because I'm told to do them. So, no surprise, I wasn't down for following a bunch of society enforced rules about what women can and can not do.
Point one. Kat Straford is basically my spirit animal.
This movie was, of course, life changing but I resonated with Kat. She was a total 90's feminist, with the hard exterior with a whole lot of emotion under that shell. I loved her attitude, and her quotes, her love of literature and bell bottoms and muscle cars. Also, she could pound tequila and still come up with a well worded burn.
Point two. Pink is my favorite artist
While everyone was loving on Brittany and Christina, I was buying the new Pink CD. Which by the way had pink inside a cage wearing a bodysuit, fashion forward. Her songs were so raw. I'd say listening to "So What" on repeat was one of the ultimate anthems. They talked about family, friends and finding yourself as weird as you were.
Point 3. Kickball was my pull, not 4 square and jump rope
Ugh, the classic playground battleground. Luckily for me, I got to get in on the kickball because there were only 12 of us, and of course I was mad talented. Also, sports don't have gender, that's not real. I will say though, for it being a male dominate sport I felt both love for it and a sense of I've got to show you girls can play just as hard as you boys.
Point 4. I love being supportive.
Which is what feminism is really all about. I like helping people, it makes me feel good. I imagine that it makes everyone feel good about themselves, and that's what the world needs more of, and if you don't feel good when you support someone I'm not convinced you're a human.
So that's it, I was a feminist in grad school, even if I just recently started embracing the label. Hopefully you still like me, but if not, that's your decision and I support you.
Cheers y'all