The chances of you actually reading this are slim to none, but I'd thought I'd write about you anyway.
You're one year away from graduating. Man how time flew by, and I'd never thought I'd be writing something like this (shh, don't tell anybody ;) ). Now that I've grown up a bit, I've developed a great appreciation for you.
I remember helping Mom and Dad change your diapers. I remember holding you for the very first time. I think my favorite memory of us was when you'd get mad at me, you'd yell "Kakelyn!" because you were still learning to talk. I always got a chuckle out of that. I still do.
Then the time came where you started school. We were four years apart, so we only went to the same school once. That was elementary school. I remember visiting you towards the end of the day to organize your desk, and trying to find you at recess only to be let down because you were too embarrassed to be seen with me.
We did fight a lot. You'd do anything to annoy the crap out of me (and believe me, sometimes, you still do). I think we both grew up and outgrew that.
I remember swimming in our pool and we'd invite both of our friends over to spend the night. We even went night swimming a few times.
Then you grew up even more. We always have each others backs. We have our own little secrets that we refuse to tell our parents (sorry guys! It's a sibling thing).
When I realized that you were just as tall as me and became stronger than me, that's when I realized you were growing up. You aren't my baby brother anymore, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
I want you to know that I'm so proud of you. You're doing better than I did in high school, you're one hell of a hunter. I'm always looking forward to whatever you hunt and/or fish.
I hope we become even closer in the future. I hope you're there for your niece and/or nephew when the time comes. I hope we can still count on each other for whatever we need.
Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what.
I love you.
Your Older Sister