Being a young adult I'd like to think there is no room for sugar coding. It is the time to say what you mean and mean what you say. Do not hide your emotions. I thought of this topic for my article today when I thought about how many things go unsaid. For females in particular most things go unsaid because we are automatically seen as being on our period or being annoying for no reason. Well if you have not realized it yet females are humans and humans do have something called feelings.
Do you ever stop to think about what women go through? How society looks at us? What standards people expect us to reach? Yeah .. I bet you didn't think of that did you. Women break their backs trying to achieve their goals and be something in life because in societies' eyes men are seen as powerful. To them men will always be superior to women. Enough about women and society though, I got a bit off track. Let's talk about the disrespect to young adults in our own personal setting, such as family and friends.
If you don't know this or never heard this before, I'm here to tell you that besides yourself your family is the group of people that will judge you the most. Let me tell you some of my own personal examples. Being my mother's daughter on her side of her father's family I am the oldest great grandchild but I am the youngest out of the grandchildren. With that being said some of my older cousins have the tendency to ask me questions about things or just simply think they are allowed to have opinions about things that honestly have nothing to do with them. Now that I'm older and obviously know how to speak up for myself that is what I do. Now what am I seen as after I do that? Well I think you could take a few guesses. Growing young adults are often seen as individuals that don't know anything, and haven't seen what life really is yet. Well for me personally I may not know all the struggles in life but that doesn't give older people the right to talk down to me or even disrespect me. When it comes to my cousins my mother always tells me to speak up for myself. Show them that I am older now and I am not taking anyone's criticism. That is also advice I would give to other young adults in the world. Granted when you say your opinions or stick up for yourself your family or friends might see you as rude. Although, would you really rather keep all of those emotions inside? STICK UP FOR YOURSELF. Part of being a young adult is knowing when it's time to say that you've had enough. Not keeping yourself in situations you don't want to be in. Knowing when to stop avoiding rude remarks. You are stronger now and older. You don't deserve to be talked down on or judged. You are a human and you have feelings. It's time you started acting like it.