Many individuals take time off after college and for some, it may be the best decision of their lives. The time between post-Bachelor's and either graduate school or your life-long career is a confusing time, to say the least. You are not in the process of getting your education, nor are you on the fast track to earning big money. Some, if not all, of your friends, are immersed in the pre-med track, while some are already landing their first high-paying jobs in engineering. You're a young adult, but you're still not fully grown yet; you have a long way to go.
So what really is the best way to spend this time? The truth is this may be one of the most path-breaking stages of your life. If you're still deciding a profession for yourself, take the time to indulge in doing things you like best to learn more about yourself. Doctors enjoy writing and lawyers spent time volunteering at local hospitals. Our minds are constantly changing, and what you majored in during college may not have much to do with what you are truly passionate about. And that's okay!
One thing a classroom or even some internships may never teach you is how to think outside the box, or how to make 'the dots' connect on your own. You have to remember that sometimes you need to carve the path to your own success. What you invested yourself into in the past may not be where you plan on going in the future. But now is the time to be thoughtfully and financially independent.
A key aspect to understanding success is knowing it comes to people who make things work for them, and are not afraid of taking risks. So going along the lines of what I always use to motivate myself: don't be afraid to be the only one of your kind!