Recently, I had a life crisis. Here I am at the turning point of life for most young adults: freshly married, new homeowners, completion of college, "what-do-I-do-now" kind of crisis. So what is this crisis actually?
I sit here thinking that I literally am about to enter a forty year streak (give or take a few years) of adulthood. Working a nine to five job, throw in a few kids and some sports games, cook dinner for the family for forty years, kind of streak. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for all of these things, especially the kids, but apparently my husband doesn't feel the same way...So no, I'm not saying that adulthood isn't great, but forty years worth? This will be the longest period of time that will be consistent for more than a few years in our lives....Oh boy.
Can you relate? Have you seen the warning signs "adulthood approaching proceed with caution" ?! I mean they should really slap those warning labels onto our diplomas or marriage certificates or even our mortgages. Because before you know it, your childhood is speeding away, just like that first time we drove alone in our cars. Say goodbye because real life comes real fast, just like the letter you get in the mail three months after graduation, pick your payment package! You just spent more money than you'll make in the next five years on a useless degree! Yay for adulthood!
So, to all you freshman entering the wonderful world of college, enjoy your last four years of freedom because it ends much quicker than it starts!