In my town, it’s said that you either leave right after high school or you are doomed to be stuck here. Unfortunately not everyone is very supportive of their fellow classmates in high school. Just like any other small town, your last name decides if you are worth anything in Kennett. I never had the right last name and honestly I didn’t care. Although, that being said, it led to some of the more well known people to look down on me. When discussing after graduation plans, many didn’t think I would amount to as much as they would. Well here I am proving them wrong.
Now, I’m not an honor student at Missouri State University so I guess they were right about that. However, I am achieving great things. Obviously I’m finally getting recognition for my writing but that’s not all. MSU is one of the best schools in Missouri for a psychology major. Granted, the fact that I’m attending MSU is sometimes just an added point to them doubting my capabilities. I love my school and that’s all the really matters though.
I guess the biggest accomplishment is the most recent. The Disney College Program is one of the hardest internship type programs to get into. Being picked to be a part of this program means that I am already accomplishing more than many people I grew up with thought I would. Proving them wrong is a driving force in my life. One day I will rule the world in my own way. That being said, I have something to say to the people who are being told that they won’t amount to anything.
You can do anything you set your mind to. Set high goals for yourself and reach them. What they think does not define you. Your last name does not define you. You make your own destiny. So next time someone starts telling you that you’ll never amount to anything, just hold your head high and walk away.
Now, for the people that told me I couldn’t do it. Here I am. By writing this article I’m already achieving more than you ever thought possible. Yes, I was that quiet nerd in the band but now I’m the sorority girl spending a semester at Disney. Maybe you should be just a little jealous now. I would be. Next time you try to tell someone they’ll never amount to much, just keep your mouth shut.