You are beautiful.
Three words most girls want to hear said to them by someone other than their mother. Three words that have a powerful meaning to them and three words that have such a mold to them.
As told by society, to be beautiful, you have to be thin, but not too thin. Tall, but not too tall. Blonde, but not too blonde. You have to have aesthetically pleasing features, but not too pleasing. You have to have and be all of these things that being beautiful is almost impossible in today's society.
This past week, a tweet was retweeted by someone that I know and I personally took offense to this tweet. it stated that if you were over 115 pounds that you should not post pictures of yourself in bikinis, leggings, or post selfies. It also said that you were not entitled to opinions and should not breathe air. Now, this page that sent the tweet out was total satire and more than likely gets paid to tweet about these types of things, it was not the tweet itself that bothered me but the person that I actually know that retweeted this! By retweeting this you are telling girls that you agree with this and that you believe that they should not be alive. Now, I am someone that once dealt with body issues and the way I felt about myself. I no longer do because I have realized my worth and that I am beautiful no matter what I look like on the outside. It was not me that I was worried about when I saw this tweet it was the other girls that have not yet realized their worth and that were taking this tweet to heart when the opinion of others should not bother them because we as people were not made to please others.
With social media being so prevalent in our lives things like this go around on a daily basis, things like this are seen by guys and girls every single day and things like this lead to heartbreak, embarrassment, depression, eating disorders, suicide and many other things. These are all things that need to be stopped. Guys and girls need to realize that the way that other people look is not their business and if you are not complimenting them then you need to not share your opinion. We need to boost each other self-esteems and we need to help people realize their worth.
So to all the guys and girls dealing with body issues and that are getting body shamed: you are beautiful and you are enough! I hope that one day you realize this on your own and I hope that one day you don't rely on someone else opinion of you and you listen to yourself. I hope that one day you wake up and you look at yourself in the mirror and you tell yourself all of these things. I hope that you strive to be healthy and comfortable in your own skin because you deserve it!