It's that time of the semester again when everything seems to be happening all at once and the stress is almost suffocating every minute; that, my friends, is finals season. Whether you've had one of the most easier or harder semesters this time around, the overwhelmingness of it all never fails to approach at the most unexpected or inconvenient of times.
With that in mind, I've tried to make something good out of these majorly negative feelings and try to help out my fellow college students out there. Pinterest can never have too many inspirational quotes, and here are some that will actually not only empower you to finish strong, but give you a reason to want to. This may be super cliché , but it's true: you got this- all you have to do is push through!
Okay, maybe we don't have six months left in the semester, but isn't this super motivating?
Don't wait until the last (or seemingly perfect) moment to do the work; the key to success is to just DO IT!
This is so easy to forget, but we really just need to not overwhelm ourselves and take everything one step at a time.
Remember that you should be challenging yourself all of the time because that's the only thing that makes us humans grow. Finals season may be super stressful, but it is a period of growth that will only make you even more prepared for next semester.
You may not have the same exact willpower as last semester to finish strong, but that's okay. Different classes and kinds of work don't always result in the same exact effort; as long as you try your best, there's no way you're doing it wrong.
If you can't get yourself to study or start working on that paper, who else is going to?
Finals week can really wrap anyone up in a ball of anxiety and worry about not being able to take the next steps in their academic career. Just breathe and realize that the world will keep turning after these exams and due dates, and it's going to be awesome when it's all over. Keep the faith!
Make what you want out of the work you have to do now, and the rest will fall into place. Make it a habit now to work hard so you can carry it into everything you do next!
Once you get over this hump, better and way more stress-free days are ahead. Just keep pushing through to get there!
Of course finals matter and you are the one to control how much effort you put into working hard, but there is a point where it can be hard to decipher where the line should be drawn. Remember this venn diagram and you're set!
You've come this far... why give up all of your efforts now?
Believe in yourself, because you are smart enough to realize that you should.