All throughout college you get asked the same exact question - "what do you want to do with your life?" Most of the time students will answer "I have no idea" or "I'm kind of stuck between a few things right now."
I fully believe that being stuck or confused is so much better than knowing.
When you know what you want to do you don't have the option to test the waters pretty much wherever other than places directly related to the kind of job or future you want. You don't have that freedom to take whatever internship you want or go where you want during the summer because you need to be dedicating your time to your future.
Hopefully most students will fall in love with their choice of career based off of their experience in that field or doing things related to their job, but unfortunately for some students all of that just puts them back in the feeling of being stuck.
Once you figure out where you want to be what else can you do? What else is there other than that?
Knowing what you want is good because it gives you the opportunity to prepare, but it's also bad because you prepare too much. You forget to live a little and do things that bring you joy, even if what you want is something that makes you happy.
You forget to make memories with your friends and to stay up late watching Netflix just because you can. You get lost in where you want to be and completely forget where you are.
That is what is the worst about somewhat "having it together." We forget completely to live in the now and that it's okay to go after things and do things that might not be related to our future. Life isn't just building a resume, it's building experience too.
Just because you want to teach Algebra to middle schoolers doesn't mean you can't have a blog. Just because you want to produce music doesn't mean you can't spend your afternoons tutoring.
There is purpose in everything you do, so we have to stop seeing things as pointless just because it might not boost our resumes in the way we want them to. Do what you love simply because you love doing it, not because it will make you look a certain way or make you stand out but because you know that 10 years from now you'll be able to look back and be proud of who you were.