I am a 21-year-old woman and I do not feel safe with Donald Trump as our president, with good reason. This is something that I felt like could never happen, and I'm terrified. I'm terrified that an openly racist, sexist, homophobic, inexperienced man is going to run our country for the next four years. I'm terrified that I may lose my rights as a woman, my right to abortion, my right to use birth control. I'm terrified that two men who believe women should be punished for having an abortion or be forced to have a funeral held for a miscarried baby, can be in control of our country. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, of course, and when it comes to politics, people have plenty of them. But this election was different, this election was completely draining and completely terrifying.
Our country chose this man over an experienced, prepared, and professional woman, Hillary Clinton. And like I said, many people are opinionated when it comes to politics so not everyone was a fan of her. But, choosing Donald Trump over a well-qualified woman is personal to me. I take that personally because you are rooting for a man who wants to take away the rights of many -women and the LGBTQ community. A man who chooses to discriminate and blame the world's problems on selected groups of people. A man who chooses to hate, and induces fear into his followers, bringing out the hate and evil in people. I take it personally. I, as a woman, am nervous, I feel betrayed by my country for choosing a man who has said and done awful, degrading things. I take it personally because you chose to side with someone who does not side with me. A man who does not side with anyone for the most part, besides the people who are selfish and hateful, just like him.
You have the right to your beliefs and you have the right to vote for someone you agree with, but that doesn't always make it okay. People say you shouldn't lose friends over politics, but that is easier said than done.