1. Your grades don't define you- I know you are sick and tired of hearing it, but it's the truth. You're 4.0 in high school took a different type of effort than your college courses. Think about the things you did well and the things you could've done better in the past few months. Celebrate the progress and learn from the shortcomings. New semesters bring new beginnings.
2. If you still have the feeling that you are still trying to find your fit in your new college environment, don't freak out! This feeling is normal. I know it might be hard to look up to people above you or even to the roommates next door who seem to be instant best friends, but trust me, nothing is as it seems. Try as hard as you might, the bonds you mad the past four years with your high school friends can't be recreated in a few short months. If you just aren't quite sure who your true friends are yet, that's okay. Your lifelong best friend may just wait for you in a class next semester. Start each day with the hope that it has a new gift to present you with.
3. Get excited, you still have yet to experience so many things as a college student! the spring semester brings so many new and fun opportunist! Baseball season is soon to be in full swing. Give it a couple months and the campus pool will be back in action. You pay for so many awesome amenities, don't forget to utilize them while you still live on campus!
4. If you have yet to make an appearance at the Rec this past semester, no need to worry. there is always time to learn to love the gym again! The year isn't over! The freshman 15 doesn't have to be your fate!
5. I know it might be a little overwhelming to come home for a full month feeling as though you never left high school. It's so liberating to have so much independence to only have it revoked for four weeks but I promise it's not the end of the world. Enjoy your families company, appreciate the home cooked meals and long night drives with the windows down with your home friends. You have so much to be thankful for. No need for FOMO, all of your other friends from college are home right now too!