Trav-el (verb): “To go on a trip or journey, to go to a place and especially one that is far away”
So finals are over, we're moved out of our dorms and apartments, and now we're back home. The question is: what are you doing this summer? Some of us are working in ice cream shops, some are pursuing internships, and others may be spending their days lounging by the pool or in their bed. But while we have a few months away from classes, I have a goal for you: travel.
I want you to leave your hometown, even if it's just for the day. I want you to buy a bus ticket and get off at the last stop. I want you to search for the cheapest plane ticket and buy it. Cross city and state lines. Get on a ferry. Drive your car until you're unfamiliar with your surroundings. I don't mean you should drop everything and fly overseas. (Although, that's basically what I'm doing: I'm home for just over two weeks before I leave for my study abroad and backpacking trip to Europe for the entire summer.) I want you to leave the familiar and enter the unknown.
Here are my best reasons why you should travel:
When was the last time you got lost, intentionally or not? I love the saying "do one thing every day that scares you." Always try new things, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Eat new foods, visit new places, see new things. The more experiences you have in this world, the longer your bucket list becomes. As they say, traveling turns you into a storyteller.
Even if you're not traveling across the world, it is possible to experience a new culture. Life in New York City is vastly different than in Cleveland, Ohio. You can learn new languages, eat new food, learn about the history, and experience unique lifestyles.
Learning about something in a history book is one thing, but seeing it in person is something else. It gives events, people, and wars an entirely different perspective. Visit the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge, the White House, the Colosseum, or the Eiffel Tower. See history with your own eyes.
Self Confidence
One of the best ways to gain a whole new level of self confidence is traveling (double points if you're traveling solo). You learn to depend on yourself and the people you're with. You'll be in a brand new environment and you'll have to make your way around. You become smarter, bolder, and more assertive in yourself and your abilities.
Just Because
There will never be a “perfect time” to travel. You will always have excuses, the most common being time and money. Make traveling a priority. This is your life. Humans were not meant to stay in one city their entire lives. There is so much of this beautiful world to see. We were meant to do more.
Travel now and travel often. Spend your money on experiences, not things. Good luck.
If you need some travel inspiration, I encourage you to watch some of my favorite YouTubers: