What is it really like to be a Christian?
What is it to actually live out your faith and become more Christ-like day by day?
Christianity today is commonly mistaken as church on Sundays, the Holy bible, prayers when you need something, and a set of rules to follow.
Unfortunately, this has become the common stereotype of what Christianity is, and this is what people follow.
I will tell you right now, this does not come close to what being a real Christian is.
Being a Christian is more than sitting in Church on Sunday to hear the sermon, pulling out your bible when you need encouragement, or praying whenever you feel you need Jesus.
Christianity is not a once a week thing, to lay down your life to Christ means to give your life to Him and live out Christianity each day.
First, let me clear up that Christianity IS NOT A SET OF RULES. Seriously who would want to confine their life to living by a book of rules? No one.
Now, there are commandments and things Jesus tells us to do. All stories in the bible can be translated into modern day advice and lessons, but Christians mess up just as much as anyone else on this Earth. These "rules" are simply our morals and what Christ calls us to do here on Earth, and what Christ did while He was on Earth.
Like I said we fail as Christians,we fail at what the bible tells us every single day, and Jesus does not expect us to meet all of these. Thankfully Jesus does not have a checklist of what we do right and do wrong because not one of us would ever pass. These morals and examples are simply set up so ultimately each one of us can become more Christ-like because that is one of the ultimate goals.
The major key to Christianity that people so often fail to remember, is our actual relationship with Jesus Christ.
You can go to church seven days a week, and read the bible in the morning and night. But without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter.
Christian Action is the other major component of Christianity. Acting and becoming more and more Christ-like each day. Whether this includes, not judging, or gossiping. There are daily battles with Christian action, as well as our relationship with Jesus.
So, how do you do it?
How do you build that relationship with Jesus? How do you live it out?
Prayer is essential to building your relationship.
Think, if you never talked to your best friend, how is that a relationship? Without communication, is there even really a relationship?
How can you be in love with someone, and trust them to guide your life, if you only talk to them when you need them?
You can't. It is impossible.
You cannot do this with anyone, much less with your savior.
Being a Christian you have to actually rely on Christ, the only way you can do this is through prayer. Pray sets up your entire relationship with Jesus Christ.
We have to read his promises and talk to Him about it.
When you say you're laying down your life to Christ, talk to Him about it.
Treat Him like you do your best friend; that's how you fall in love with Him.
Prayer is one of the most crucial parts of Christianity.
Prayer sets up your trust with Jesus, so you can start to live out your faith.
You cannot call yourself a Christian when you have no relationship with Christ. It does not work that way, and I promise you when someone has a relationship Christ, you are a completely new person.