I had been an only child for eight years, that is until my parents said they were having another child. Sure at first every only child thinks noooo! But after a while the idea starts to grow on you. Now my situation isn't normal by any means, not all siblings have an eight year gap between them. Having that big of an age gap means that I got to live through two childhoods and the ups and downs.
Here is what it is like to have an age gap sibling relationship:
1. When you were 17 you still knew every popular show on Disney.

2. You lived the age of Pokémon four times (twice from your childhood, and two more from your siblings).
3. The Wiggles? Ya, you know their songs by heart. Fruit salad anyone?
4. You have a really good excuse to go to any of the Pixar movies. ( but you really don't need one).

5. You get to experience their teenage years, and you question if you want to have kids.
6. You see them get away with things you never got away with.

7. For some reason The Power Rangers will not stop being popular in your house.
8. Sometimes you feel like the parent.
9. Babysitter is your nickname.
10. Swear words don't exist in your household, but truck, fudge and scheiße do!
11. The Snaps you get from them are almost sweet, but they are sweet in their own way.

12. That when they start driving (16) and their life is starting you realize you graduated from college (24) and your life is over.
13. But even though you sometimes wonder if you are related to them, you love that you have this not so ordinary sibling relationship and you wouldn't change it for the world!

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