Sometimes, we forget to show acknowledgement and appreciation for those who have helped us, no matter how big or small their assistance was to us. We are all guilty of it. Inside we know we are grateful for them, but we don't think to actually say it or show it. It's important to do so because it's nice to know that what you've done has helped someone and that your efforts are appreciated. Without that person, you may not be where you are today. With that being said, I would like to take the time to thank the two people who have influenced me the most and have done endless things for me since day one: my mom and dad.
When one becomes a parent, whether they were expecting it or not, they are faced with the responsibility of caring for this tiny human and directly assisting in the development of who they will become in the future. Literally every decision they make will determine the outcome of their children. Damn, that's horrifying. Some parents can't handle the responsibility or don't want it, while others step up to the plate and do the best they can to create the best future possible for their child. My parents, thankfully, were the good ones. They stepped forward and accepted the challenge, and I can promise you, I was a big challenge. I can't even begin to create a list of all that they have done for me in my years of existence, and still continue to do for me today. No arrangement of words could properly describe my gratitude. Both my mother and my father contributed to who I have become. I've inherited physical features from both, such as my freckly complexion from my mom and my small shaped eyes from my dad. It's more than just that though. Not only did they contribute to my genetic makeup, but they also formed who I am as a person and my whole outlook on the world. My dad always taught me to work hard for what I want, to be fearless and brave, to laugh and have fun but also be serious when necessary, and that there's always a positive to every negative. My mom has shown me how to pick myself up when I've fallen down, to be kind and put myself in other people's shoes before judging, to provide a helping hand when someone needs it, and how to be strong when it feels like the world is fighting back at me.
Without them, not only would I not exist, but I wouldn't have become who I am now. I'd like to think they did a pretty good job, and I hope that they would think so too. Dealing with me wasn't easy, and I apologize for that. I know that I am personally responsible for every gray hair on their heads. However, no matter how much stress I put them under and how much I drove them insane, both of them never left my side and continued to show me unconditional love and encouragement. They believed in me at times that I didn't even believe in myself and were always there to guide me when I was lost or had no idea what I was doing. I've made mistakes, just like they have, and that's okay because no one is perfect. They have always forgiven me, just like I have done for them. In my opinion, they're pretty great anyway. When I have kids someday, I will take all that I have learned from them and apply that to my parenting. I hope that I will be able to do for my future children the same that my parents did for me. To my mom and dad, I love you more than you will ever know, and on behalf of myself and my siblings, thank you for all you have done. You're the best!