Dear Mom,
Over the years, we've had our ups, downs, and stupid fights. A lot of times, I roll my eyes at you, but it's out of love. You do so many things that aren't always talked about, but they are definitely recognized. So, thank you, Mom, for everything. Because without you, I wouldn't have a best friend, a role model, or a guidance counselor.
Thank you for being strong all the time. I call you almost five times a day to talk to you about my stress or how bad my day has been, but you never complain about the stress you yourself are going through. You have managed to stay strong and be brave for me and our family. No one could ever tell if you are stressed, because you somehow manage to stay strong for our family.You are the most selfless person I know. Putting others first is like second nature to you. You are always my shoulder to cry on and I thank you for that.
Thank you for believing in me. Sometimes I think you are too hard on me, but I know it's only because you believe in me. You have always told me that I can do anything I want if I just work for it. Because of you, I am hard working and determined. You have taught me to never give up and to keep trying. If I wanted to walk on the moon, you would be cheering me on and helping me make it happen.
Thank you for never letting me go without. You have worked so hard to provide for me, and a lot of times, I didn't even realize it. Now I know that you would never want to see me go without. You have always given me the stars because you think that's what I deserve. You paid for 17 years of dance, school, clothes, and now college. I know at times it can be stressful, but I just want to thank you. You have always provided for me, and I know if you could, you would give me the moon.
Thank you for instilling faith in me. You remind me daily that God is on my side. No matter how stressed, happy, upset, or confused I am, you tell me to have faith and God will provide, because God is good. Thank you for walking with me in my faith and teaching me to trust in God. Without that, I would not be the woman of God I am today.
Thank you for being my best friend. I know that it sounds so cliché, but you are truly my best friend. I know that if I can't count on anyone else, I can always count on you. We always have fun together, no matter what. You and I laugh at the same things, and we have inside jokes. When boys are dumb, you are the first person I call, and when girls are mean, you will gossip with me. Sure, we fight sometimes, but it's only because you are I are the same person. Thanks for being my go-to girl.
I could go on and on about how awesome you are, but thank you. Thank you for shaping me into the person I am today. You are my rock, my role model, and my pal. You annoy me at times, but I love you more than you know. Thank you for being the best mom ever. You deserve the world and I wish I could give it to you, but instead you gave it to me. Thanks for everything, I love you.
With Love,
Your Daughter