I don't want to be a Saturday night 2:30 A.M. 'you up?' text. What I want is to be a Sunday morning watching reruns of The Office on Netflix, or a Wednesday evening doing homework in the lounge. With you, I was the Saturday night.
For some reason, thoughts of me would run in to your mind. If only I knew what would constantly compel me to, no matter the time of day, drop everything I was doing just to spend a few minutes with you. We'd have meaningless conversation, looking back, I barely even know you. We weren't even friends. Did it even matter? It shouldn't have, that's for damn sure, because I never mattered to you, and you never should have mattered to me.
You looked at me as a challenge. I looked at you who someone who actually cared, what a joke. You don't deserve me, you never did. To you, I was disposable. You would toy me along for a while, slowly fade away, and then call me back when you wanted something. I came in to your life just as suddenly as I left it. I guess we were never on the same page.
I'd constantly make excuses for your actions in order to justify that what I was doing was a good decision. I tend to look past everyone's flaws and make excuse after excuse in order to make one's behavior okay, even if it really isn't. Me, being as forgiving as I am, brushed everything under the rug. Hindsight is always 20/20, and I never realized how blind I really was through my rose-colored glasses.
I hope you realize how great I actually am, and I hope it really sucks knowing that I'm not going to come running back at the snap of your fingers. I am more than a Saturday night, I should be someone's whole week. Someday, I will get what I deserve. One thing I know for sure is that it won't be you. So, to that I say..