I know what you're thinking, this is just another article about another girl that thinks she's from a small town, but graduated with over 400 kids in her class.
This isn't the case. I graduated with less than 50 kids. Everyone knew each other. Everyone knew everyone else's business. You can fight with your boyfriend during first period and by third a whole new story will be fabricated.
I grew up in a small working class town. Where parents would barely scrape by trying to provide for their kids. Where my original graduating class was less than 20 kids. You can't get anymore small town than that.
When I began applying to colleges I wanted nothing more than to get away from that small town setting. I didn't want to be labeled first thing when I moved away. I realize that some will classify my college as small, homey, and not that exciting, but believe me when I say that this is more exciting than anything I could've asked for.
I moved almost 4 hours away from home to pursue a nursing degree. The same degree I could've earned 20 minutes from home. BUT I needed more. I didn't want to go to college with 18 out of the 44 kids that I graduated with. I NEEDED to go to college where I didn't know anyone. I had to get away. My parents raised my brothers to always strive for more when it came to life. Don't stop pushing. Never stop trying. You put 5 hours of studying in today? You better step it up tomorrow.
I grew up in areas where everything was based on who you know, who your parents know, and what your last name was. I couldn't take it much during my senior year. I strove to get out. To leave. To be something bigger. So I did just that. I applied to four different colleges. One located in the Adirondaks near Lake Placid, another in Atlanta, Georgia. I also applied to the community college 20 minutes from home, and lastly I applied to Elmira. Where ultimately I've ended up agreeing to attend.
Elmira is classified as a small college to some, but to me it's huge. It's a whole new experience that I don't think I'm ever going to regret. I never had to worry about walking home at night and being attacked. I never had to worry about anyone breaking into my car or into my home. It's all new to me not to leave my purse out in my car with it unlocked. We never used to lock the doors to our house. We never had to worry about a lot of the things that now race through my mind everyday as I'm walking from class to class.
The girl from that small town in upstate New York isn't so small town anymore. AND it's probably the best things that ever happened to her.