Being someone who is completely obsessed with love and dating, I find myself reading a lot of love stories, novels about tragic and great loves, and even the (which may seem pathetic, but to me is totally just research) hilarious books trying to help people date. The most recent dating self-help book I’ve gotten my hands on is “I Had A Nice Time and other lies… How to Find Love & Shit Like That” by The Betches. The reason why I chose this book is because honestly these girls know their sh*t and because someone recommended it, but that is besides the point. Here are the three top reasons why you should read this book.
1. You’re still hoping your “almost” relationship will work out
Listen, I’m not saying that it won’t, but if it’s been six months and you’re still desperately checking if he watched your snapchat story of you taking 4 green tea shots with your girlfriends, then chances are he really couldn’t care less. The Betches make it a point to take dating less seriously especially when it comes to “almost” relationships. You’re better off being single than trying to date someone who honestly doesn’t want to date you.
2. The blunt and hilarious writing
My favorite part of this book is how the blunt the authors are with the readers. The first chapter is titled “Hot Messes Need Love Too: Preparing to Date” and it goes right in to saying how you definitely need to get your shit together. I know what you’re thinking (I DO HAVE MY SHIT TOGETHER), I’m sorry, but if you’re still waiting for a relationship to “complete” you, then you most certainly do not. There is no possible way to feel complete by another person. A significant other is supposed to add to your life, not complete it. It’s up to you to complete yourself.
And lastly, my favorite part of this book, really is the third chapter:
3. How It Begins Is The Way It Ends: Hook Ups and Fuck Ups
This chapter is SUPER important for any “betch” that is trying to date in this day and age. First, the title of this chapter is super important. The way a date starts is usually how it ends. For example, if he is rude or doesn’t give you the time of day, then I’m sure that is exactly why it is going to end. This chapter also gives insight on how to flirt, how your wing girl should act (which is in favor of you by the way), and even which guys to dead when their texting game isn’t up to par (my favorite is the drifter who floats in and out of consistently texting you, why? Because I have one these and every single time I’m like “where the heck have you been, bro?” this is particularly rude for my male readers who are tuning in). Another important reason why this chapter is so important is because it talks about what a female should do when a guy really just isn’t cutting it whether it’s texting to just asking you out on date - there are deal breakers people.
This book is blunt, to the point and most importantly is suppose to be funny. There were some reviews online which says that it is negative and don’t get me wrong there are some negative things said in the book, such as how it opens up calling you a weirdo who reads dating books, but they wrote it, right? So they’re just as weird as you. The most important thing that this book teaches its’ readers is to take dating lightly and to love yourself first. When you take dating lightly, it becomes a lot easier to date because when things are too serious, things get way to complicated. The book is suppose to be funny and to open a light hearted opinion on dating. In the beginning chapters, it clearly states to love yourself first or no one else will, which is 100 percent true. When you are completely confident in who you are and love yourself, it makes it that much easier for someone else to love you too. End Note: Great read, pick this up if you need a GREAT laugh.